Jiang Mu Qi's strong and violent ups and downs, looking down at the broken teacups on the ground, it seems that there are some differences between them and those she bought

"Hiss --" the waiter on one side couldn't help laughing.

"Mrs. Jiang, the purple sand cups in your shop are all low-grade goods, which are different from the purple mud. I'll tell you that our purple sand cups are selected by the manager himself. The air flow is smooth, the air permeability is good, and it can reflect the fragrance of tea. Even if you don't need to drink tea, it's good to hold it and collect it." The waiter said again.

Of course, these words are all from Chu Rong religion.

Some tea with purple sand is the most suitable, so the store will have a little of each kind of cup, according to the different situation of tea.

Chiang's mother was choked.

She is a businessman and has been in tea business for so many years. Naturally, her first consideration is to make money. Who will buy such expensive things in the shop? In case of bumping and bumping, it's not painful to die!

"It's not my fault. How did I know it was so expensive?" Jiang's mother seemed to have more wrinkles on her face.

"Don't you know?" The waiter said with a smile: "as soon as you enter the door, what you want is the expensive tea in our shop. You don't want to use the glass I sent you. You have to use purple sand, and you said you want the best. You won't pretend to be stupid with me?"

Don't overdo it. She was just trying to find fault. Who knows the waiter is so obedient and really brings such a good thing!

With so many people present, everyone likes the quiet environment. Jing Yunzhao doesn't want to make others unhappy. He asks the waiter to clean the stains on the floor first.

"With so many witnesses on the scene, Mrs. Jiang has a good idea. Today, either we will lose money or we will call the police. However, it is your Jiang's tea house, not our Yuling tea house, that makes a big loss." Chu Rong said directly.

Jiang's mother looks tense, without a trace of redundant expression, like a zombie.

"Pay, I pay!" The blue veins on my forehead were so angry that they almost burst out.

Step by step, she stepped on her high-heeled shoes and took out her purse, tea cup and tea. The total value was more than 4000 yuan. Jing Yunzhao, with a kind face, helped her remove the change. Finally, she was 4000 yuan.

A meal of tea

Chiang's mother was sick to death.

"How do you know to give her such a good tea set? Can you predict it? " Chu Rong looks surprised.

In fact, when Jiang's mother proposed to change the tea set, the waiter took the ordinary purple sand, but after seeing it, Jing Yunzhao specially found a good quality one instead.

"I just think it's not a good thing for them to come here. Take a good thing and send it up. In case it's smashed, we can take the opportunity to publicize it." Jing Yunzhao chuckled.

Churong puffed at the corner of his mouth, didn't he? The waiter in his shop was also venomous and had a grudge against him. He said that the tea set of No.1 tea house was inferior. Everyone heard that.

Drinking tea is a kind of enjoyment, but the tea set is also very important. Now, at least in the eyes of some people, both the tea and the tea set in this Yuling tea pavilion are extremely attentive. I believe that some guests will specially want to try out the taste of this good purple sand cup tea after they come.

Although it's broken, you have to lose money, but this is a tea house. In such a quiet and elegant place, you can't fight. If it wasn't intentional, the tea cup can't be broken at all.

What's more, there is a wooden floor under it, and a layer of woolen blanket is put on it. If the tea cup falls naturally, it will not even make a sound. How could it break a corner like Chiang's mother?

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