Jing Yunzhao gushed and said that Cui's face was blue.

Even when they are 17 years old, they still have a good understanding of all kinds of medicine, such as those who are still in school.

There are so many excipients here. If every one of them is carefully mentioned, it may not be able to speak through for several hours. There are also 17 processing methods. Some of them look very similar, but there are big differences in them. They are all the basis of pharmacy.

"The bile is palm colored and fresh. It should be from yellow cattle. Although it tastes very smelly, it is bitter and cold in nature, which can remove heat and eyesight. After Arisaema is made of cow bile, it can remove its dryness, and it has the effect of clearing heat and calming wind..." Jing Yunzhao went on and on.

Ji Shanshan is going to faint.

"Stop stop You know all these things? " Ji Shanshan couldn't help asking.

She also learned medicinal materials from her parents, but at present she only stayed in the aspect of recognizing and recognizing drugs, because it involved too many aspects.

Although they are not doctors, they need to know the characteristics of each kind of medicinal materials, but they are more capable than doctors to recognize the authenticity, the year and even the freshness of herbs at a glance!

"If you want to make medicine, you have to understand it." Jingyunzhao road.

All these things are stored in her memory. She has already written down all of them word by word. Since she knew Mr. Xu, she has a lot of pharmaceutical theories on her back. Every Saturday, she has to go to the yard of Mr. Xu for an experiment. With the help of two gods, naringyu and Mr. Xu, she would be hopeless if she was still in the initial stage of learning.

"Aren't you an orphan? There are also people on the Internet who say that you have been bullied in your adoptive father's house since childhood. How can you still have this kind of thing? You're not cheating Internet users, are you? " Cui Jun immediately asked.

He can also understand some of them, but if he can point them out one by one and explain all the details clearly, it is impossible to ask himself.

Their parents should have that ability, but it's decades of non-stop learning.

In his father's words, there is no need for him to memorize and learn about these pharmaceutical matters. He usually gets in touch with the medicinal materials and is influenced by them. Sooner or later, he will

Jing Yunzhao is disgusted with such a villain who always talks about other people's past.

Ji Shanshan immediately changed the topic after knowing that she was Jing Yunzhao on the Internet, but Cui Jun raised the matter again and again.

When Cui Jun said this, he frowned: "Cui Jun, you are exposing people's shortcomings..."

Ji Shanshan is also a little embarrassed, but also feel that Jing Yunzhao is suspicious, his face is very tangled.

"When I was a child, I had a bad life, which meant that I would never raise my head in the future? Cui Jun, did you pee your pants when you were a kid? Can I say you're still wearing a diaper Jing Yunzhao opened his mouth and let several people around him draw his mouth.

Ji Shanshan's eyes flashed, and she felt that Jing Yunzhao was right, but she said to Cui Jun: "you shouldn't talk like that. It's uneducated..."

"Tell me what breeding is? Like you? I'm sorry, but I can't do it. " After Jing Yunzhao finished, he suddenly went to a bag of money in front of him, pointed to the head soil there, and said, "who sent this? Is the soil used for the auxiliary materials usually the cooking soil or loess

Jing Yunzhao's face becomes suddenly, even Cui Jun and others subconsciously look at the past.

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