Cui Junyi was worried. After hearing Ji Fu's voice, he immediately began to be a bit of a counsellor. But now he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He didn't care so much. He said, "I don't have time to comfort Ji Shanshan now. I'll talk about it later."

He and his cousin are now facing the risk of losing, which has the mood and Ji Shanshan mischievous.

My cousin has always been a proud girl, always excellent, never received such a blow.

I can see how she is now. She cried so badly that he was really distressed. Ji Shanshan was not only not comforted, but also hit the bottom of the well. This is his cousin. She should give him some face!

"Well, I'll talk about it later! Cui Zhanxian, look at your good son Ji Fu immediately angry way.

Seeing her father's appearance, Ji Shanshan couldn't be so heartless, so she quickly pulled his clothes: "Dad, don't be angry..."

Cui Zhan Xian, Cui Jun's father, has a bad face.

The main reason is that he didn't expect to lose two games in a row. He had complaints in his heart, but he couldn't do it.

He was also dissatisfied with Cui Jun's attitude to coax Sun Yan. After all, Sun Yan was not qualified to cry. But when he thought of the next three games, he stopped scolding his son and thought it was a wise choice to let Sun Yan stabilize his mood.

A ginseng seems unimportant. Even their family doesn't lack ginseng. But the one in Jing Yunzhao's hand is different. Let alone its high medicinal value, it will definitely sell at a high price!

Therefore, even if Ji's father yelled at him, Cui Zhanxian still went his own way: "it's just a child's temper tantrum, but it's not serious. Besides, Shanshan is not doing right this time. Yan'er still wants to compete. If it affects her mood and causes her to lose again, what should I do?"

Ji Fu was choked.

Looking at the father and son, secretly gnashing teeth.

He loves his daughter. No matter what, he won't let his daughter suffer injustice by following such people!

Before, he thought that as long as his daughter liked it, but now it seems that this is the case at a young age. I'm afraid it will be even worse when I grow up!

At once, Ji's father grabbed her daughter's hand. She looked serious and frightening. For the first time, Ji Shanshan saw her father like this. She couldn't help but feel guilty and didn't dare to help Cui Jun any more.

Although she likes Cui Jun, her parents and brothers are her relatives. Cui Jun and they are incomparable.

The scene returned to silence again, and both sides rested for a while to prepare for the next round.

"Cousin, you have to believe in yourself. What you compared before is the foundation. Jing Yunzhao is lucky. Maybe she just learned those things. Don't worry about them. Just give them full play. No matter what the result is, I won't blame you." Cui Jun was understanding.

Treat the white moonlight in the heart, there are always endless gentle whispers.

Sun's face showed a pale smile and went back to the past, but in his heart he was sniffing.

It's a good saying. If she really loses, even if Cui doesn't blame her, my uncle will certainly blame her. After all, Cui Jun is the only son in the Cui family. If he can't inherit the family property, the Cui family will be in trouble.

Moreover, she wanted the ginseng, but my uncle must also want to. He missed such a good opportunity and was sure to be swept out of the Cui family.

What's more, Cui Jun was originally interested in this, as long as he was not very interested in it and his ability was not so good. Regardless of Cui's family, Cui Jun naturally felt that it didn't matter whether he would win or not, but could she be the same! It's a pain to stand up and talk! , the fastest update of the webnovel!