Just in an instant, Sun Yan scared the whole person back a few steps, instantly fell to the ground, the whole person trembled, tears fell down.

Cui Jun rushed up for the first time. When he saw the centipedes, his legs and feet were also weak: "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

How can this be compared? Centipede? Let my cousin cook the martial arts? Can someone else do this kind of thing? There are many workers in the Cui family!

Cui Zhanxian immediately said, "no way! Must compare

Now if you fight together, maybe you can win two games later, and then it will be a draw, then his son will not be affected! What is the reason why we have to shrink back after all these things have been carried out?

Besides, some centipedes? Which of the pharmaceutical masters present hasn't tried? Why can't Sun Yan?

Sun Yan shook his head repeatedly. She couldn't do it.

And she doesn't know how to make this centipede. She hasn't tried, and it will make mistakes. In this case, why does she have to compare it? To touch so many disgusting things again?

Over the years, she learned medicine, not because she liked it so much, it just brought her enough benefits and fame, and at that time, she didn't have to work so hard!

Looking at Sun Yan's refusal to move forward, Cui Zhanyuan was almost frantic: "Sun Yan! We Cui's family has raised you for so many years. That's how you repay me? "

"I can't! Uncle, I'm going to lose anyway... " Sun Yan was white and flustered.

She did not know how to lose to Jing Yunzhao, everything is like a dream.

At this time, Jing Yunzhao seems to be unable to hear the noise. He is lifting his hand to clean the centipedes, and then one by one goes to the head and tail. It is quiet and peaceful, but it makes people feel creepy.

Most of the people present, except for some of the younger ones, have cleaned up these things. However, none of them is as calm as Jing Yunzhao, who does not frown.

Instead of being calm, Jing Yunzhao was trained by master Xu.

In her first month of learning medicine with master Xu, she saw these things. In his words, the most terrifying things can be dealt with, and other things can be nothing less.

At that time, she almost contracted all the terror living things in old Xu's yard.

Now what are these?

The better Jing Yunzhao performs, the worse Sun Yan loses.

Mr. Cui Zhan was afraid of affecting his son's future, so he was very angry. Seeing that sun Yanlai couldn't get up on the ground, he stretched out his hand and pulled it.

Sun Yan was also in despair. Even though she knew that she had done her best, she was more sure that she would not want the support of the Cui family in the future. Since she was sent to the Cui family by her parents, she was no longer a member of the sun family. There were still brothers and sisters in the sun family, and no one would care about her.

The pale face slowly became a little cold. Sun Yan stared at Cui Zhanxian and looked at the hand that the medicine extended: "don't touch me!"

"I've lost. It's impossible! You won't win even if you force me Sun Yan broke the jar and fell down the road.

"How do you know if you don't try? Since you want to bet, bet me till the end! Otherwise, you'll get out of Cui's house Cui takes the lead.

It's useless!

"Get out of here. What's the big deal? Do you think you're Cui's family? I've had enough of this mess! In any case, now also lost, is not in the future can not make medicine? Well, I can't get it

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