Gan Jinchen finish saying, Jing Yunzhao's face is gloomy.

"I really don't know what his father thinks. Xiao Haiqing is his daughter. Although it's reasonable for him to take his daughter to Ningshi, he should find a good school, but he chose a poor one. I asked my father to inquire about it and found out that the school was private. Many of them were not rich but were better than ordinary families Ancestors Gan Jinchen is also angry.

At this time, Jing Yunzhao remembers carefully in her mind. She finds that the relocation of the Xiao family is different from the previous life.

Qiao Hongye had been at school in her previous life. After returning home, she mentioned Xiao Haiqing many times. Therefore, she can be sure that Xiao Haiqing lived in Huaning County until she was admitted to Kyoto University.

But since the track of previous life is like this, why does it change now?

Is Jing Yunzhao frightened because of her?

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jing Yunzhao is also at a loss.

"Xiao Haiqing said that if you are willing to ask for leave, it must be something important. Anyway, if you know it, it will not change, so we will wait until you come back." Gan Jinchen said again.

"Cousin, what do you say about Haiqing? I heard that she lives with her stepmother and her brother now. Isn't she bullied by them every day? There is such a mess in that broken school. Haiqing can't study with ease! " Su Chu curled her mouth and was very anxious.

In the past, when Xiao Haiqing was in Huaning County, she always lived in her mother's old house. She seldom met her stepmother and her younger brother, so although she didn't deal with it, there were few conflicts.

Now it's different. In Ning City, Xiao Haiqing has no friends and is held by his stepmother. His situation is certainly not very good.

Jing Yunzhao is also a little irritable, especially when he thinks that he may have affected Xiao Haiqing's future, and feels more guilty.

Xiao Haiqing lived a free and easy life in the past life. She had married several people, but her husband died. Although she did not know why she became a black widow in the mouth of others, she felt that she was easy to live when she saw her widely publicized smile in the newspaper.

Now that things are off track, what will her life be like?

Jing Yunzhao shook his head in secret, unable to understand.

Turn head back to the room to Xiao Haiqing made a call, but it is a pity that the phone has been in a busy tone state, no one answered.

It took more than half an hour for her to receive a reply.

"Honey, finished?" At the other end of the phone, Xiao Haiqing's voice was still bright, but Jing Yunzhao could hear something stiff and hoarse.

I don't know what's wrong. It's different from usual.

"What's going on?" Jing Yunzhao opens the road.

Xiao Haiqing stopped for a moment: "an, there is no problem. It's just a change of environment. It's you. Have you dealt with everything?"

"Xiao Haiqing, don't you say that you will cover me in the future? Why, you've been spanking your ass for a year? You go your way, but you should give me an account? " Jing Yunzhao's voice is cold, and his scalp is numb.

Xiao Haiqing scratched his head: "I said to cover you, but you don't need me to cover you..."

"Make it clear what's going on now." Jing Yunzhao has a firm attitude.

Xiao Haiqing sighed at the other end of the phone: "really, I knew I couldn't beat you..."

"My father received a big project. Our family is going to become a landlord from now on. As soon as my father was happy, he bought a house in Ning City, but he could not leave me as a daughter in Huaning County, could he?"

"What about the school? I heard Gan Jinchen say that you went to a bad school Jing Yunzhao said again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!