Jiang Rong's face flashed a trace of embarrassment, but also some regret.

At that time, she was really in a hurry. Seeing the girl's violence against her son, she couldn't hold back her anger, but she didn't expect that the other party was really saving her son!

Can't blame her? Jing Yunzhao is as big as Xiao Haiqing and looks quite normal. Who knows she will react so quickly.

Fortunately, at that time, she was afraid of the danger of emergency treatment!

However, although I am grateful, I can't help but blame them.

Since it is to save people, it is good to say so. Will she still stop her from moving? What's more, she went to save people without saying a word. What if she didn't come back? What if the technique is wrong? Is it not the life of her son? She and her husband can do what a little girl can do.

Jiangrong sighed bitterly and sent Xiao Jun back to his room. Then he went upstairs slowly.

Upstairs, can also hear the voice of three girls, in the heart is suffocating a breath.

Jing Yunzhao has heard the news, but he doesn't speak. He vaguely feels that Jiang Rong has been outside for two or three minutes before knocking on the door.

"Haiqing, my aunt is here to apologize to you. I'm really sorry for what happened just now. I'm just in a hurry, so I'll say something wrong. Don't blame me..." Jiang Rong's voice reminds me of it.

After three people's actions, Ji Shanshan rolled her eyes: "I'm scared to death! I tremble at the sound! Just now someone asked us to go away. It was like a roar of a lion. Now my heart is still pounding. I must drink some tea after I go back

Ji Shanshan deliberately said it loud, reaching Jiang Rong's ears, even more angry.

Jing Yunzhao also said: "Haiqing, I'm going to cure the disease. The fee is not low. Is there no one in your family ready to pay? However, it is reasonable not to think about it. After all, maybe I thought I was taking the opportunity to cheat? Maybe you are trying to help my poor classmate

With that, Jiang Rongqi's teeth trembled.

Money? Are you kidding? What does she think she is when a blind cat meets a dead mouse? Doctor!

Xiao Haiqing simply loves the two lucky stars in front of her. When did she ever see Jiang Rong so angry? She used to be young and beautiful, and gave birth to a son to her father. Every day she blew a pillow in front of her father. Now it's all right. Is it true?

"Haiqing, my aunt knows that she is wrong. You should blame me too..."

"No, Auntie Jiang, you are a great hero in our family. How can we blame you? And as long as you don't report to my father, we'll be thankful for our rice bean curd! " Xiao Haiqing said.

"I didn't..."

"Do you have any? I don't know, but..."

Xiao Haiqing gives Jing Yunzhao and Ji Shanshan a look. He opens the door and drags out all the things that have been wrapped up before. He goes down the stairs and places them in front of Xiao Daoan in the hall.

"Dad, don't let Auntie and I apologize. I can't bear it?" Xiao Haiqing raised his eyebrows and continued: "these and these are arranged by my aunt. She told me to go away. I can't listen. So I'm going to roam the world with this thing. I wish you good health and live together with aunt Jiang. When I am away, I believe my aunt will not think that I am not good, that is not good, said my bad words and against my heart to protect me

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