Xiao Haiqing saw the struggle on Xiao dao'an's face from the rearview mirror and sneered.

Since she is not a loving father, why do you have to pretend? It's better to give her a good time, but at this moment, although she is straightforward and straightforward, she is in a state of turmoil.

Jing Yunzhao knows that she is uncomfortable, but she also knows her personality. She wants to be strong and refuses to show weakness. At this time, other people's consolation can't play any role. Besides, there is no need. After all, the so-called comfort is either a white lie or a fictional hope, which is not applicable to people like her.

The car is getting closer to the Tang family.

The reason why Jing Yunzhao agreed to go to the Tang family was not to be interested in the Tang family, but to let Xiao dao'an be more respectful.

Since Xiao Haiqing wants to live on his own, he needs to take advantage of the convenience of going to the Tang family. If he goes back to Huaning County directly, is Jiang Rong not happy to die?

And now Xiao dao'an can't stop him, he even has to pay attention to it from the bottom of his heart.

Life is full of calculation.

After a while, Ji Shanshan rarely blushed when they arrived at the Tang family. Because of her obsession with Jing Yunzhao, she had a wonderful and thrilling accident in the past two days. Now she still has the opportunity to visit such a grand courtyard.

The Tang family is brilliant everywhere.

The garden is amazing. There is a golf course behind it. There is a swimming pool next to the main building. The guest room that Mr. Tang has prepared is even bigger than the Xiao family.

It's a great place to relax.

As for the rest of the Tang family, Tang Zihua is still in Huaning County. All the Tang family's daughters have jobs, go out early and return late. In addition, their living places are far away, so they can't meet at all. It's hard for them to relax. It's like a perfect vacation.

Xiao Haiqing was free and easy. After a few hours, everything returned to normal.

She quarreled with Xiao dao'an for several years. Although she was sad, she was already used to this state. She just did not expect to be able to get back together with her father one day. Even a trace of ambition loomed in her heart.

Early in the morning, Jing Yunzhao is awakened by Ji Shanshan's roar.

Ji Shanshan, holding her mobile phone, jumped to her bedside and stuttered: "Jing, Jing Yunzhao What should I do? Cui and Cui both called me! He even called me! "

Xiao Haiqing rolled his eyes and threw a pillow directly.

The three big beds in this room are specially arranged by Mr. Tang. Although he is an old man, he also knows that little girls like to talk about private affairs.

Jing Yunzhao is even more a corner of the mouth: "what does he want you to do with us?"

"You can't be so heartless. Are we brothers? Can you help me figure out what to do? What does he want from me? Do you want to apologize to me? " Ji Shanshan has a lot to say.

Jing Yunzhao sat up and said, "you reprimanded Sun Yan in front of Hong Tian yesterday. Today Cui Jun is looking for you. Imagine yourself!"

Hong Wen lost such a big person. Can Hong Tian let Sun Yan go?

Sun Yan is a fussy man again. It's strange that he doesn't look for trouble!

"I said, Ji Shanshan, you are a real 250. You have been trampled on the top of your head and asked us what to do? You don't still have a crush on such a scum, do you? Then you are too useless. Don't say it's my friend Xiao Haiqing in the future. What a shame! " Xiao Haiqing gets up and is on fire!

Ji Shanshan licked her lips: "then I won't pick it up..."

"Shit!" As soon as Xiao Haiqing heard this, he immediately opened the quilt and rushed over: "pick it up! Why not take it! Look how ugly he is! If you don't scold me today, I will post your mobile phone number on the Internet for people to look up to. Do you believe it or not? "

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