Ji Shanshan's quarrel made Cui Jun's seemingly sunny face look a little ferocious.

Although she was young, she was still a little angry. Even though she patted the table, she stood up and pointed to Ji Shanshan: "Ji Shanshan! I repeat, my cousin and I are nothing! And who do you think is scum? You are stupid to follow me these years. Can't you see that I hate you? I can't shake it off like a tiger skin plaster. I feel sick at the thought of you

"You still have the face to gossip in front of me. I asked you to come here to apologize to you and my cousin! From now on, if you bully her again, you Ji Shanshan will never appear in front of me! What's more, you take 50000 yuan out, because you and my cousin don't even have a place to settle down now. You have to compensate! "

"Poof!" With that, Xiao Haiqing's coffee came out of his mouth.

"Cough It chokes me to death... " After receiving the paper towel from Jing Yunzhao, Xiao Haiqing said strangely: "straight man's cancer is very serious. I'm afraid of Yunzhao. This disease is not contagious."

Two people sit at the adjacent table, Xiao Haiqing's voice is not big, Cui Jun naturally is to hear clearly.

Ji Shanshan was stunned, even some did not dare to believe: "you borrow money from me?"

"Not borrowed." Cui Jun said coldly: "Shanshan, my cousin has to rent a house outside and buy daily necessities. If you can't go to school, you can only eat outside and spend money everywhere."

Ji Shanshan suddenly felt that she was an unjust big head. Cui Jun thought she was easy to kill, right?

"What does it matter to me that she is expelled from school? Besides, I don't have that much money

Even if there is, she will not be stupid enough to give it to Sun Yan, right?

Hearing her words, Cui Jun became more and more dissatisfied: "you don't make trouble, OK! Also said that regardless of your business, if not you, cousin will not become like this! If you don't compensate her now, we won't meet again! "

Since Sun Yan lost the medicine competition last time, his father did not allow Sun Yan to enter Cui's house, let alone support on living expenses.

Moreover, her father was worried that his cousin would take money from him, so his living expenses were reduced by half. That little money is not enough for her now. Moreover, if she lives in school, she is not allowed to go back to school now, and renting a house outside is also a big expense.

Ji Shanshan's mouth twitched twice.

No wonder Xiao Haiqing, they said she was an idiot, was 250.

How did she like Cui Jun before? It's easy to come and go. Now they're going to be cash machines for both of them? She is still a student now, not to mention 50000, that is, 500 yuan is not a small amount for her!

Or do you want her to ask for money from home?

Now it's 50000 yuan. After that, what do you want? Is it possible that they will make a prescription by the Ji family?

Ji Shanshan's face was extremely ugly, and the whole person was unexpectedly calm.

"Then don't meet! Cui Jun, are you all right? Ask me for 50000 yuan? Our family's money is not windy, even if I want to spend it, I will not spend it on you! Besides, she deserves to be punished. Even if you want to pay for it, you shouldn't want it on my head! It's ridiculous Ji Shanshan said angrily.

After Ji Shanshan finished, Cui Jun suddenly turned a cold shoulder. He originally wanted to coax her with politeness, but who knew she was so late that she couldn't control her anger for a moment.

But even so, it is not reasonable for Ji Shanshan to have such a big reaction, and what kind of nonsense is she saying?

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