Jing Yunzhao and Xiao Haiqing are not prepared to quarrel with Cui Jun or Sun Yan at all. After all, this is Ji Shanshan's own business. She looks like a 250 in front of Cui Jun, and they don't have to fight against others for a 250.

But at this time, Ji Shanshan's reaction surprised them.

I thought she would refuse Cui Jun, but I didn't expect that her determination was not small, but it was rare for them to treat each other differently.

Xiao Haiqing stuffed the sweets in front of him into his stomach, looked at it almost, and dragged Jing Yunzhao out.

Ji Shanshan said those, also long ago to leave, standing at the intersection waiting for two people.

Early in the morning, the surrounding area was very calm, only a few cars. When Ji Shanshan smelled the air outside, she unexpectedly found that she didn't feel very sad. Maybe she had already prepared for this.

Long pain is better than short pain. She doesn't want to be abused by Cui Jun and torture her family for him, as Xiao Haiqing said.

Feelings are easy to make people blind, even if she is filial, but once that scum becomes her belief, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not do something irrational.

Jing Yunzhao paid the money and made peace with Ji Shanshan.

Thank you for today Ji Shanshan has a bright face.

Jing Yunzhao pursed her lips, and Xiao Haiqing's corner of her mouth grinned: "after today, you won't have to bow down to ask for compound again?"

This is something she can do!

Ji Shanshan blushed: "I'm not so stupid! I'm going to let my dad take me to my grandfather's place to learn medicine! Jingyunzhao, you wait. I had a good talent when I was a child. As long as I work hard, I can be a pharmaceutical master in the future! "

"I hope so." Jing Yunzhao's tone is still the same.

Ji Shanshan is also used to: "don't underestimate our Ji family, my wife and grandfather are super famous masters!"

The corner of Jing Yunzhao's mouth is not lovelorn. It's really faster than turning over a book.

"Well, let's go." Jing Yunzhao opened his mouth.

They nodded and walked towards the Tang family's luxury car.

As soon as they were about to get on the bus, Cui Jun, who was still in the cafe, rushed out. Apparently, he wanted to settle accounts with Jing Yunzhao. Ji Shanshan turned back and made a face at Cui Jun. Cui Jun could not restrain his anger. Seeing that the three people were about to get on the bus, he accelerated his speed and ran a few steps in Ji Shanshan's direction.

Ji Shanshan, with a smile on her face, pretended not to see the general, and drilled into the car.

"Ah --"

however, as soon as I turned around, I heard a few shrill shouts coming from behind. When I turned around again, I saw my pupils constricted. I just watched a large truck run over Cui Jun directly. What's more, the truck didn't stop and rushed towards the direction of the three people at a very fast speed!

Although it was the morning, there were a lot of traffic on the road. They didn't know where the truck came from.

Jing Yunzhao heard the shouts and saw the scene, immediately nervous tension.

If she was alone, she would be able to react. Only Xiao Haiqing, Ji Shanshan and even the driver of the Tang family were on her side, but Ji Shanshan was on the other side of the car. How could she care so much at the same time?


More than one, with the impact of the first truck, there is a car side by side! Jishanshan is standing in the front left of the truck. Even if she moves one step to the left, it will not help. Instead, she will directly hit the car!

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