Zhong Qing only felt that the world seemed to collapse. He didn't know why he was so miserable.

Her parents were gone when she was in junior high school. She could only take her brothers to live with her aunt. The cousins of the aunt's family always dislike them for being left behind, so they always bully her. It is clear that she always means well, but they always don't understand. What she does is wrong.

After such a terrible experience, it was not easy for a kind uncle to accept her. When she thought that she could finally breathe a sigh of relief, she did not expect that ChuChu, the cousin, was not pleased with her.

But before the delicate is not like this, must be this bad hearted sister and she said something, so let her misunderstand, began to dislike himself.

However, ChuChu cousin is the only daughter of my uncle's family. My uncle is happy to listen to her when she speaks. Will she be expelled?

"ChuChu Don't believe this little sister's words. I really did nothing wrong? " Zhong Qing continued.

Su Chu suddenly blushed.

Because she found that she and her cousin didn't seem to be on the same line?

On the way to here, she and Jing Yunzhao and Xiao Haiqing praised her cousin for her good looks and gentle and lovely. Unexpectedly, at this time

"Cousin Qing! Can you stop talking nonsense! You and grandfather Chen apologize, hurry up! You can't touch the medicinal materials. You can't bury our Chinese medicine with others next time, or I'll let my parents change your job for you! " Su Chu quickly said again, afraid that she would not understand, but also specially amplified the voice, carefully repeated.

Zhong Qing took a puff: "how, how can you do this, cousin..."

"Well, I'll just apologize Dr. Chen, I'm sorry. Please don't get angry. I took the medicine because the family was in a hurry. I meant it well... " Don't forget to explain.

Su Chu's face was black.

It's a shame. How could Zhong Qing be like this?

But think carefully, although get along for two days, but in addition to dinner, usually rarely meet, no wonder she does not understand.

Dr. Chen listened to her apology, but she still didn't know what was wrong. She was so angry that she could only say, "OK! You don't apologize, just as ChuChu also came, in this case, you follow her home! Don't come out and make a fool of yourself. You are not suitable for this line of work, or you will kill people sooner or later! "

Killing people? Zhong Qing was shocked.

No, why do you say that? During her internship, the doctor also taught her that, but she clearly had a kind heart.

"I, I don't leave..." She finally got a job, and her uncle didn't let her do anything, just let her study hard, but she still had four or five thousand yuan a month

"Go away! I won't leave you here! Even if you break the sky Mr. Chen was furious and said, "well, you'd better go back and tell your parents. I can't teach this person. I'm not good at learning. I don't have the ability to do that!"

"Grandfather Chen, don't do this. It's not your fault." Su Chulian was busy.

The old man is not young any more. How could he have suffered such a thing.

Zhong Qing's eyes darkened for a moment. Sure enough, no matter who did not help her, ChuChu was her cousin. However, she always wanted to complain, and her arms and elbows always turned out.

Dr. Chen made up his mind, and Su Chu could not say anything more. If he pleaded, he might really get angry with Dr. Chen and immediately walked out with Zhong Qing.

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