After a wave of smoke dispersed, Jing Yunzhao escorted Su Chu back to the scene of the fire. The surrounding heat wave was rolling, layer by layer, and the stone wall on his head seemed to fall in the next second.

Surrounded by debris after the explosion blocked, Jing Yunzhao with Su Chu is not easy to start.

"Bang" a sound, Jing Yunzhao only listen to a heavy fall, it seems to be a kick to the side.

Heart a jump, eyes look at the top, take a deep breath.

Things on the top may fall down at any time, but if she comes back to the space again, she will still be confined here when it appears. Moreover, the surrounding area is too small, and she may not be able to bring Su Chu out with her later

Just about to speak, Jing Yunzhao coughed from the fireworks.

"Ah Zhao!" About ten meters away, a familiar sound came from the scene.

Jing Yunzhao is stunned. Is it Li Shaoyun?

Isn't he still in Ningshi? At this time, even if you can't catch up with the fastest speed, how can

"Li Shaoyun! Here I am Without much thought, Jing Yunzhao said in a hurry. After that, he knocked on the surrounding stones and made a clear sound.

Li Shaoyun breathed a sigh of relief. In the fire, he followed the sound. His speed was very fast. After a while, they were just a stone apart. The stone seemed to be glowing red and extremely hot.

However, before Jing Yunzhao met, the stone pillar kept moving to the side, steady and steady.

A few minutes later, it crashed.

Jing Yunzhao looks at the person in front of her in shock, and suddenly has an indescribable feeling. Just about to speak, Li Shaoyun suddenly reaches out and presses her shoulder to make her squat down. At the same time, there is a figure in front of her. With a "boom" sound, the big stone above her head finally falls down and hits Li Shaoyun's back.

All of a sudden, Jing Yunzhao stares at him in shock, puzzled, flustered, worried and afraid.

At this time, Li Shaoyun was only a few centimeters away from her. Under the gravity, the sound of breathing heavily was particularly solemn.

Jing Yunzhao was about to open his mouth, but Li Shaoyun said directly, "don't be afraid. It will be OK in a moment."

In an instant, Jing Yunzhao was stunned.

At this time, everyone was busy outside, and the water kept rushing to the fire. The fire was getting smaller and smaller, but the smoke was still the same. In the narrow space, the oxygen was even smaller to the extreme, and the breathing of the three people became particularly difficult.

Fortunately, there are many brothers outside, so before long, Jing Yunzhao faintly sees someone rushing over and moving the stone pillar on Li Shaoyun's body away. One by one, they help the three out in a hurry.

The air outside makes people feel relieved, and the whole person is gorgeous and beautiful.

There is a lot of noise in her ears, but in Jing Yunzhao's mind, only Li Shaoyun stands in front of her for a second.

There seems to be some difference between her and Li Shaoyun.

Although she has always regarded Li Shaoyun as her friend, it is somewhat different because she is a little afraid of his identity, and the number of powerful families is too small. This kind of figure is far away from her. Therefore, even if she does not have a bad feeling towards Li Shaoyun, she has always maintained a calm and vigilant heart towards him, not a total trust.

In her impression, Li Shaoyun is rebellious and always has some unreliable feeling. However, she never thought that such a person would help her regardless of her life!

After staying in the dark for a long time, Jing Yunzhao slowly opened his eyes. What came into his eyes was a piece of white, and there was a smell of liquid medicine around him, which was undoubtedly the hospital. , the fastest update of the webnovel!