When Jing Yunzhao finished, he couldn't help laughing.

"How about you and me? Anyway, the price is not high, so you can afford it. " Li Shaoyun approached a little bit, looking like a joke, but his eyes were very firm and serious.

The movement of Jing Yunzhao's hand was stunned, and his head was blank. Suddenly, he thought of Li Shaoyun's mysterious brothers' address to her, and a little panic flashed in his heart.

Li Shaoyun is really nice to her. It's too much.

She often communicates with Du Lin because she wants to deliver the goods to Yutian fresh food. From Du Lin's mouth, Li Shaoyun did not like to communicate with others at all, and he was not kind to the people around him. She said that now she looks a bit like a normal ordinary person, especially for her time, she is plain and simple, without any arrogance and irritability.

Li Shaoyun never gives her a look. She is always gentle. What's more, Li Shaoyun will know what happened to her at the first time, like a radar that has been following her.

Jing Yunzhao's face is a little red, but his expression is as usual, but it is a little cramped and cold. After a look at Li Shaoyun, he suddenly says, "I'm still a child. I can't find a cowherd, eh I can't grow up. "

Li Shaoyun puffed at the corner of his mouth.


Speechless, had known that selling oneself was this kind of setting, he promised not to talk disorderly.

Young young young cloud before you see me do not look like young love

There are a lot of fresh meat in that school. They are young and young, and their minds are simple. Ordinary girls have some fantasy of first love. However, he doesn't want the girl he likes to be cut off by others in advance.

"I think so." Jing Yunzhao sent ghosts and gods.

At present, her requirements for the future are very simple, such as studying, pharmacy and practicing medicine. As for men, she will wait until she grows up. Although her Yuling wine industry is also excellent now, it is certain that there is a certain gap with Li Shaoyun.

However, thinking of this, Jing Yunzhao's heart was smothered, and his eyes flashed with amazement, but he turned and restrained himself.

Maybe because Li Shaoyun is the best man around her, she will unconsciously compare her future with him.

At this time, Li Shaoyun did not show any disappointment. Instead, he added a glass of water for her with great interest.

Jing Yunzhao was absent-minded during the meal. In the end, Li Shaoyun did not have any meat left, but there were many vegetable dishes left in front of him. He looked at him eagerly. Li Shaoyun had no choice but to clean up for her, so he left.

They also returned to the hospital one after another. Su Chu was still awake, just like a sleeping beauty.

Two days later, Su Chu woke up from her coma.

Seeing that he was in the hospital, he was even more shocked: "what's wrong with me? Why are you all here? Oh, by the way Cousin, Zhong Liang and Zhong Yi should have prescribed medicine in my cup just now. After I drink it, I want to go to bed... "

Jing Yunzhao chuckled and Xiao Haiqing puffed. Others admired Su Chu's luck.

After such a big thing, she still knew nothing, was not frightened, and was like a clever little white rabbit.

"ChuChu, you've been sleeping for three days. I want to find a prince to kiss you and see if I can wake you up." Xiao Haiqing can't laugh or cry.

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