Jing Yunzhao stares at Mrs. he with a cold look: "Mrs. he, are you afraid that I will forget you if you don't speak?"

When he Jiasi was sent abroad, was it not Mrs. he who was behind her back? Until now, her name of Jing Yunzhao has left a deep impression on many people. Everyone knows that she is an orphan abandoned and abused by her parents!

Mrs. he shuddered: "jingyunzhao, what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to let you die!"

With that, Jing Yunzhao grabbed Mrs. he's wrist and pulled the man over. A silver needle in her hand was shining with a faint chill. In the blink of an eye, she stabbed at Mrs. he's acupoints. He Jiasi looked around and screamed.

Mrs. he's body trembled. She could feel the silver needle pierced into her body, but strangely, she couldn't struggle!

Jing Yunzhao's hand is very strong. After the needle goes down, the blood in her body seems to stop flowing, which makes her cold from head to foot.

"Jingyunzhao! You madman, I'll call the police and arrest you. You'll be in jail He Jiasi opened the road.

"Don't worry. It's your turn soon." Jing Yunzhao spoke again.

She moved quickly, and the attack ended. Mrs. he was nervous and fell to the ground, shaking all over. She quickly opened her clothes to check where she had been stabbed by the silver needle, but she didn't even have a bead of blood. This unknown fear made her unable to let go.

Jing Yunzhao, close to he Jiasi, looks like a cold killer.

He Jiasi pupil constriction: "you don't want to know where Xiao Haiqing is!? Don't prick me, I'll tell you! "

Is it too late to tell her now?

He Jiasi's heart beat faster, looked at Jing Yunzhao and stopped: "say."

"The head of the household in the community of the hundred millionaires city is Zhuo Haiyang. Jing Yunzhao, I just sent a message to Xiao Daoan. You should know that I can't violate James. If you didn't give James face in public and let him be expelled from the party, he would not have done that. Moreover, it must be blamed on Xiao Daoan. Xiao Haiqing is his Daughter, he has decided to give James a gift. What can I do? " He Jiasi said in a hurry.

At this moment, she has to say it without saying it.

After saying it out, Jing Yunzhao may be a little lighter.

She is just a freak. They have more than a dozen dogs. They are extremely fierce. They even ate the arm of the keeper. But when they face Jing Yunzhao, they all stop. It's so weird!

So are the guards. So many people failed to catch Jing Yunzhao.

In this situation, there is no other way to tell the truth!

He Jiasi looks at Jing Yunzhao tightly for fear that she will prick her body recklessly in the next second. Although it will not kill her, the slender silver needle makes people tremble in her heart. She does not want to become a person with needle holes all over her body.

But her resistance is useless. Jing Yunzhao pinches her chin and stabs her in the same way.

Medical skills can save and harm people. This technique is generally used to dredge the muscles and veins. However, it is a life-saving needling technique for those who have major problems in the muscles and veins. However, for ordinary people, it is the opposite.

"Jing Yunzhao, I have already said..."

"But no, I never promised you." Jing Yunzhao's face was cold: "if you cheat me, I will make you suffer thousands of times more than at this time!"

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