Jing Yunzhao's voice came, Xiao Haiqing's tight body instantly relaxed.

After vomiting for a while, he stood up weakly and hugged Jing Yunzhao without saying a word. He didn't know whether he was sober or drunk.

"Yunzhao, take me back." The voice was ethereal and hoarse.

Jing Yunzhao looks at the room, thinks about it, nods and helps her step by step to get on the bus.

In the car, Xiao Haiqing said nothing, his hands were rubbing against his body, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Su Chu sat beside him, biting his lips and red eyes. He didn't have to think about what Xiao Haiqing had gone through. Gan Jinchen, the co pilot, had a gloomy eye color and some things in his heart were smashed.

Xiao Haiqing was very quiet and trembled.

Jing Yunzhao is full of remorse.

If she had not provoked hejiasi and James, they would not have shifted their target to Xiao Haiqing.

This is not the first time, the people around her are always hurt because of her. Last time was su Chu, this time was Haiqing.

Jing Yunzhao's eyes become thin and cool, and her lips are silent. She lived alone in her previous life. I'm afraid that this life is only suitable for one person, so as not to harm others or yourself.

"Yunzhao, I had a dream last night." Xiao Haiqing suddenly opened his mouth and said to himself: "yesterday, it was my mother's birthday. I went home for a visit. He did not remember. He was cleaning up the small garden at the gate with Jiangrong's mother and son and his family. He was very happy I'm not happy. I picked flowers planted in Jiangrong. It's my mother's most disgusting smell. He was very angry. He said that I came home only because I couldn't get along with him I think it was my mother's birthday, so I didn't quarrel with him, and I stayed at home at night... "

"I dream that he has developed and his business is getting better and better. There are many people around who I don't know. She asked Jiang Rong to introduce him to me I can't escape. There are people everywhere. They are around me and close to me. I hate that feeling. But he let people watch me and don't let me go. I dream that he told me that the old man loves people. He said that I have a strong personality and should find an old man who can tolerate me... "

"Yunzhao, I'm really afraid in my dream. I can't use the martial arts you taught me. I can only let myself be bullied by others It's useless for me to shout. My head is heavy. It's like being drugged. It took me a long time to wake up. I thought I was finished Fortunately, it's a dream... "

"But it turns out that reality and dream are so similar..."

"He sold me like in a dream..."

When she woke up this morning, although she was afraid that she had a dream like that, she felt a little guilty about her father, because she thought that even if he was no longer a bad person, he would only beat, scold and scold her. She thought that her father was too bad, so she would have such a dream.

It turns out that dreams are not only dreams, but also omens.

What's different is that she doesn't have the ability to resist like she did in her dream.

Xiao Haiqing's voice is soft, and Jing Yunzhao is in a trance.

Since her rebirth, she has been puzzled why Xiao Haiqing, like a Xiaoqiang, was a famous black widow in Kyoto in her previous life. She married several times and had a bad reputation. In the report, she even said that she was a rich lady, unruly and unrestrained. However, her expression made her feel tough, which was not consistent with the report.

But now she seems to understand Xiao Haiqing.

A person will not go to extremes for no reason, should be affected by the surrounding environment?

Xiao Daoan is the only one who can influence Xiao Haiqing.

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