Xiao Daoan kept on talking. At the beginning, he was sincere to admit his mistakes. The more he said, the more words he could defend himself. It seemed that Xiao Haiqing did not know his own shame.

Jing Yunzhao and the three of them couldn't listen to him. They wanted to stop him, but Xiao Haiqing stopped him. He just looked at him and wrote down every word in his head.

"Dad, what do you need me to do now?" Xiao Haiqing has a calm voice.

Xiao dao'an was suddenly stunned.

He thought his daughter would argue with him. He questioned him with righteous words, but he did not. He just calmly asked him what he was going to do.

This kind of expression made him not know what to do. After being stunned for a long time, he began to speak in confusion: "Mr. James didn't call the police Now I'll take you to meet him, hoping to save it. If you don't go, then... "

When James blames him, he will try to pressure him. When the business fails to go down and goes bankrupt, he will sell the house

This house is the lifeblood of his daughter. Everything here is. He knows that.

But before he finished threatening, Xiao Haiqing said, "OK, let's go."

"Haiqing." Jing Yunzhao looks at her in surprise.

"Haiqing, why do you want to go? That James is dead Su Chu was infuriated.

Jing Yunzhao looked at her, at her impassive eyes, flashed a trace of heartache, and after that call, he did not open his mouth to stop.

What she wants to do, just let her do it.

Xiao dao'an didn't expect that her daughter agreed so simply. All the words of exhortation could be said. Xiao Haiqing said again: "I want to change my clothes. You wait at the door."

"Er OK, OK, then hurry up... " Xiao Daoan was busy.

With that, Xiao Haiqing slammed the door and nearly hit Xiao Daoan's nose. Xiao Daoan was angry, but he was relieved to think of his daughter's cooperation.

Look at my daughter, last night it should be James

Although it is his daughter, he is not willing to think that, but generally speaking, conquering a woman's body, the heart is almost the same. The reason why the situation happened last night should be Haiqing's drunken madness.

I just don't know if Mr. James can forgive Haiqing? How to do it

Xiao Daoan's worried hair is going to be white.

He knew that his legs were useless, and that James could hardly be depressed unless Haiqing suffered more

Xiao Daoan waited outside and smoked a cigarette.

"Husband, why is Haiqing so sensible all of a sudden? He doesn't want to take the opportunity to escape..." Jiang Rong doubted.

"Wait and see. I'll call again if I don't come out in a few minutes." Xiao Dao an Dao.

Jiang Rong nodded meekly.

At this time, Xiao Haiqing took off yesterday's dirty clothes, went into the bathroom, took a simple bath, and changed into a clean red skirt again.

"Haiqing, do you really want to go? What if they call the police? Won't the police arrest you then? " Su Chu looked worried.

After all, it is to smash a person into a serious injury. How can the other party give up easily? In the past, isn't it hitting the other party's gun? Is to bear the anger of the other party, and it is clearly the other party's fault, so it is too oppressive!

"Well, if he called the police, he would have attempted rape." Xiao Haiqing changed his clothes, said calmly, and then said, "last night I laid down a heavy hand, I don't remember myself. I must go to deepen my memory."

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