He Jiasi looks confident, but Jing Yunzhao sneers.

"I told you I was a doctor, but you never believed it, but it doesn't matter. Soon you will believe it. If you don't come to me within a week, I'll take your surname." Jing Yunzhao opened his mouth.

Looking through the glass into the ward.

Just looking at the room where James lay, his face unspeakable ugly, Xiao Haiqing back to her, can not see the expression.

The building material of this ward is more special than that of other places. The glass is bulletproof. Once the door is closed, there is no sound inside, even if her ear power is excellent.

"I beg you? You are crazy He Jiasi snorted coldly.

Say you're a doctor? Then she said she was a fairy! But is it possible?

She knows that Tang Zihua is in bad health, but the Tang family has a special medical team, so there is no need to go outside to find doctors who can't get into the market. Even if they do, there will be more famous doctors. How can Jing Yunzhao be the only one?

After all, Jing Yunzhao deliberately colluded with Tang Zihua.

If it was not for her, Tang Zihua would not be cold words to her, the door of Tang family would not stop her from entering now!

She will be the most likely to become the daughter-in-law of the Tang family, or the daughter most concerned about by her father. She will not be an abandoned child!

And James James dotes on her. To be frank, she is called godfather, but in fact she is just a bed mate. She even has to think about James everywhere, which makes her feel humiliated.

The person in front of her is the source of all her tragedies.

Jing Yunzhao looks at her coldly with a sneering smile.

She has no other advantages, that is, her medical skills are good, and she has learned more and more about those herbs and acupoints. In addition, her ancestors' golden needle technique can make he Jiasi suffer a lot, but she can't find out the reason.

Seeing Jing Yunzhao's cold and confident eyes, he Jiasi always felt a little flustered, for fear that Jing Yunzhao really did something to her.

However, thinking of Xiao Haiqing, the mood relaxed again.

At this time, James was staring at Xiao Haiqing and said angrily, "I want the wine! Xiao Haiqing, I don't want to investigate the damage you caused to my leg, but you have to get all the wine companies of Yuling wine industry for me

"Mr. James, do you think your threat is useful to me? I did hurt your leg, but don't forget what you did last night Xiao Haiqing said without expression.

"Hum! In the words of your country, you can't see a coffin without tears! I know you smashed my camera, but there are hidden camera positions all over the room. Even if you ask for it, you can't clean it up. If you don't want to, don't blame me for publishing your * *! I know that people in your country attach great importance to fame and morality... " James added.

His leg has been broken, if let Xiao Haiqing die, in addition to vent anger, there is no other role.

He is a businessman. He has to protect his best interests at any time. Yuling liquor company is absolutely priceless. He must get it!

Xiao Haiqing clenched his fist slightly, and there was a trace of killing in his eyes.

Is there more than one camera? Although she was drunk at that time, she tried her best to look for it, but she didn't find it.

No wonder, so fearless.

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