Su Chu's smile is sunny and young, and has strong appeal.

But outside Gan Jinchen sits on the sofa, pretends to be serious. In fact, he eavesdrops and watches Su Chuda reach his goal. With a smile in his mouth, he washes some fruits and brings them to him. He puts down his things in silence and then turns around and goes: "Yunzhao, I'll start special training tomorrow. I'll wait for you at the door at five in the morning."

Su Chu blinks at Jing Yunzhao and the thief laughs.

Jing Yunzhao is also amused by Gan Jinchen's act of pretending to be cool and handsome.

At this moment, Xiao Haiqing has left for Ning City, and he is in James' ward.

"Did you bring it?" James frowns, after seeing Xiao Haiqing, his mood changes obviously.

There is also a man standing next to James. Xiao Haiqing has never seen a real person, but he has seen a picture.

But even if I didn't check it, I can see that he looked forward to her and didn't feel strange to her at all. He should be the boss of Zhuo ocean, the marine food company who provided accommodation, and was also the direct beneficiary of this matter.

Xiao Haiqing glanced at him with a hook in the corner of his mouth: "this is Mr. Zhuo. He is really a successful person, but it is not the same."

After the accident, Jing Yunzhao checked the man.

She has read all the materials. This year, Zhuo Haiyang is only twenty-eight years old. She inherited her family business and became the boss of the company. In the past, his company was mainly engaged in wine business. However, the market was sluggish, his wine taste was not special enough, and there was no brand effect. He could not afford to spend a lot of money to publicize. So his business was getting worse and worse. Finally, he simply transformed and developed some new products Products, those food sales are not hot, but also good.

The other side a Leng, blink of an eye smile way: "Miss Xiao."

"I accompanied Mr. James to Mr. Zhuo's house before. I found that your house was very clean and warm, but it was a little cold. Did Mr. Zhuo have no wife and children?" Xiao Haiqing said again.

In the eyes burst the fire general, nearly will swallow the reason.

But every moment and every second of every day, she will remind herself that only when she is calm and sober can she live a better life and let her bullies fail to achieve their goals.

"I'm not married yet, so My parents used to live at home, but they have settled abroad. " Zhuo Haiyang returned.

In the heart also some are surprised, even some cannot understand.

According to law, Xiao Haiqing should be very excited and resentful when she saw him, but her face was peaceful, even her tone was very intimate, as if she was an old friend she had not seen for many years. This attitude is simply too strange.

If he is an adult or someone with some resume, he will be more defensive. After all, a person will not show a friendly attitude for no reason. However, she is just a girl. She may have been captured by Mr. James, and she is grateful to him.

Zhuo ocean mood relaxed, mouth with a smile.

Xiao Haiqing sneered in his heart.

But James didn't like her attitude of changing the topic very much. He frowned and said, "I don't object if you want to chat, but now I just want to know if you have brought us what we want. Miss Xiao, I don't want everything you have done before to be delayed."

"I've got the wine, but I don't want to give it to you now." Xiao Haiqing laughed and said, "those photos are still in your hands, aren't they? By the way, Mr. James, I said I would give you a present. You haven't signed it yet , the fastest update of the webnovel!