Jiang Rong is at a loss when Xiao Haiqing opens the door and walks over.

She has a crisp short hair, but with a bit of enchanting handsome, put on that dress, where is still like a tomboy?

Step by step, step by step, the eyes sparkle with brilliant light, as if there is a corrosive magic, see Jiangrong heart shaking.

It must be her. Revenge is here.

"Auntie Jiang, I really didn't expect that your courage is so, so, big!" Xiao Haiqing chuckled, but he didn't stop. He seemed to be very kind and helped the past.

Jiang Rong listened and pushed Xiao Haiqing out: "you bitch! You did me harm! You did me harm! Xiao Haiqing, where am I to blame you? You torture me in such a shameless way

"Shameless? Hehe Xiao Haiqing chuckled: "Auntie Jiang, do you dare to say that my father was the reason why I was sent here before? You're not stirring up the flames? "

Her father, hypocritical in heart, would not do such a thing as sending his daughter out, even if he thought in his heart, he would not do so directly, unless someone kept making excuses for him, so that his face was satisfied, and he comforted himself that he was forced to, forced by helplessness, and for the sake of her victim!

And the person who keeps brainwashing for him is Jiang Rong?

It can even be said that she used the knife to kill people, right? Compared with her father, she is the one who can never get up!

How can I blame her?

She also wants to ask this sentence! What on earth did she offend Jiangrong, so that from the day she got married, she would be targeted again and again, and let her and her father's appearance be separated from God, so that she had a home as if there was no home, so that she was nearly ruined!

Is it just because she's the original daughter? Because her mother got to know her father before she did?

Is this her fault?

Xiao Haiqing said with a smile: "Auntie Jiang, the matter has passed. Although I feel a little strange to you, I didn't do anything last night. I was just politely asking you if you would like to go in and sit down together. Who knows you agreed without even thinking about it, and even couldn't wait. If you don't believe me, you can ask Uncle Liu Is that the case? "

"I didn't volunteer! It must be something you used Hypnosis? Did you learn hypnosis? " Jiang Rong keeps thinking about it and tries to justify herself.

"Oh! You are so imaginative. Why don't you say that I can do dementology? Do you think there are so many illusory things on this day? " Xiao Haiqing said, almost forcibly helped her into the car.

When Jiang Rong thought of the clothes she was wearing at the moment, she didn't dare to go home: "you let me go! I, I want to go back to my mother's house

"Aunt, are you all right? Do you have the face to go back to your mother's house after you've done something sorry for my father Xiao Hai snorted coldly, closed the door, and then said, "uncle Liu, you can drive well. We both have to make contributions, don't we?"

Liu Shuke didn't dare to stop.

Last night, they didn't go in to look for someone. They can tell Xiao Daoan that they are threatened. Today, they can't hide it any more.

As the car speeds fast, Jiang Rong begins to struggle. However, Xiao Haiqing has learned a lot of moves with Jing Yunzhao after all. They can beat James violently when they are drunk, but can't cure Jiang Rong in front of them?

After a while, Xiao Haiqing completely clamped down Jiang Rong and did not move. He only looked at Jiang Rong with a despairing look at the fast passing scenery outside. He was extremely flustered.

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