Jing Yunzhao gets a brief message from Xiao Haiqing and is also shocked.

She gave the ointment, which was a complete accomplice. However, if she treated Jiang Rong, she felt that she deserved it.

When Xiao Haiqing was a child, Jiang Rong began to calculate her. This woman was the culprit of distorting everything, and even nearly destroyed everything of Xiao Haiqing. Looking back on her previous life, Jing Yunzhao can be sure that without Jiang Rong, Xiao Haiqing in the previous life would never have been that ugly black widow.

Jing Yunzhao sighs, but as soon as he puts down his mobile phone, the screen lights up again, and the faint bell rings.

It's a bunch of strange numbers.

Turn on the answer.

At that end of the phone came a familiar voice, which seemed to be holding back anger: "Jing Yunzhao, what did you do to us?"

"It was Miss He." Jing Yunzhao smiles.

He Jiasi's voice was subdued, and the whole person was somewhat irrational. He murmured in a voice: "jingyunzhao, don't pretend to be stupid with me! My mother and I are not feeling well. Are you the devil? "

For a few days, I feel as if my bones are going to be broken. I feel very uncomfortable all over my body. I feel more and more stiff day by day. Every time I turn my body, I feel like I have moved a machine that has not been repaired for a long time. It's extremely uncomfortable, and it's almost to make an old "creak" sound!

During this period of time, they did not eat anything and had no medical history. It was the effect of Jing Yunzhao's needles.

Their mother and daughter went to the hospital and found nothing unusual. If the western medicine couldn't work, they went to the national doctor. But those old men struggled for a long time, and they didn't find the reason either!

It's just about what kind of breath in the body is blocked, and what is Yin deficiency or yang deficiency. I can't understand it. When I ask them whether they can be cured, the other side says that it's a strange cause and needs acupuncture, but if it's wrong, it may threaten life!

She really can't understand, is not Jing Yunzhao pricked a few needles? How could it be so serious!

But now she finally understood why Jing Yunzhao said with certainty on her face that she would come to her door within a week!

This bitch, is that she and her mother's life threat!

"Jingyunzhao, speak up! Are you proud now? You cunt, do you believe me or not? I'll find someone to turn all your friends around you again! " He Jiasi roared.

Jing Yunzhao snorted: "Miss He, do you think you can cover the sky with one hand? If you can do it, you can go, but I promise you, if there is any danger in the people around me, I will count it all on your head, so that you can't live like death! Don't you believe it. After all, don't you feel that way now? "

"To tell you the truth, none of your mother and daughter can be cured except me." Jing Yunzhao said again.

"Jingyunzhao!" After a few seconds, he Jiasi's voice fluctuated: "what do you want?"

She didn't want to admit defeat. There were many doctors she could find, but none of them could help her. She felt that her body was going to break down every moment. The grinding pain seemed to be on the verge of decay, which made her unable to ignore it and made her trance and afraid.

"You don't seem to be begging me now Miss he, she is so angry that she dares to come to see a doctor? " Jing Yunzhao made a scene of abuse.

On the other end of the phone, it's quiet for a moment.

"Come on, how much do you want! I'll give you the money, right? "

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