Mr. Gan is kind-hearted and soft-hearted. He didn't want to quarrel with them. When he thought of the dead man, he also wanted to relax.

However, Jing Yunzhao said directly: "grandfather, it's not about money. Now they make it clear that they want you to be the scapegoat, not to mention 200000 yuan. If you give him 100 yuan, others can say that you are guilty!"

This money can never be given in any case. If it is given, it means compensation. Compensation means that they have made a mistake.

Jing Yunzhao said that the man looked at her with some ferocity in his eyes.

People outside couldn't hear what was going on inside. They looked up one by one. The women on the ground immediately rushed out and directly called out, "how can this family be so vicious? My father-in-law did fall down, but he didn't die at that time. Who knows whether the medicine prescribed by the quack doctor made him die! They are not willing to take any responsibility, and even refuse to pay for 200000 yuan. These rich people just want to force us poor people to death

When this was said, there was a lot of discussion.

Many people have the mentality of hating the rich, so they all point to Jing Yunzhao one by one.

Jing Yunzhao said: "play a rogue, right? Well, we won't leave room for your family. We'll call the police directly. If it's not my grandfather's work, don't blame us for accusing you of framing! He's a doctor. Your family should bear all the damage caused by his reputation! By the way, I almost forgot. Don't underestimate the autopsy results. Maybe even he fell down or was pushed by others! Even if it's not intentional, it's artificial

After Jing Yunzhao finished, the woman stopped her voice for a moment.

His face was full of panic and his body trembled.

"Can't call the police! If the autopsy, my father-in-law is dead without a whole body... "

Jing Yunzhao took a cold look, but made a direct phone call.

She wanted to give them a chance to bury the old man. It was not necessary to investigate whether it was a mistake to move the hand. However, the couple did not want to pour the sewage on the old man, which she could not bear.

As soon as Jing Yunzhao called the police, the family immediately had to leave with their bodies. However, Jing Yunzhao was blocked there, but the man forced his hand, but he was pushed away and fell to the ground in confusion.

In the heart of the boy, I see that his parents are so stupid.

"Classmate, I'm sorry, it's our fault. Please let us leave with the body. My parents will never talk nonsense in the future. If the police come, it will be over..."

If they can cremate their bodies before the police come, it's still time.

Although I'm sorry for my grandfather, he doesn't want his mother to go to prison?

"Yunzhao, forget it. You have to forgive people." The old man sighed behind him.

It's not that he doesn't know right and wrong, but the old brother who died certainly didn't want his son or daughter-in-law to suffer. People died, so he didn't want to add trouble to his descendants.

Jing Yunzhao frowns slightly, some do not want to, after all, if they repent to cremate the body and then make trouble, then they will have a hard time arguing!

"Let me let it go, you let them tell the truth, the recording is for evidence! As long as they don't make trouble, I promise they won't let things out. " Jing Yunzhao said again.

When he said this, the boy was relieved and quickly dragged his mother to come over: "Mom, tell the truth quickly! It's better to be gossiped than to go to prison! "

After all, they are weak people. The general doctors will choose to calm down when they encounter such things. However, they have kicked the iron plate. This girl is not a normal person! , the fastest update of the webnovel!