A caring glance flashed by her side. Jing Yunzhao rubbed her eyebrows and stared at Gan Jinchen and said, "have they all handed in their homework? It seems to be quite free. "

"Don't be like this. I'd like to know. How did Li Shaoyun become your guardian?" Gan Jinchen said with a smile.

Jing Yunzhao rolled her eyes. She was very curious about the guardian. She was just baffled.

But it's funny to think of Li Shaoyun's teaching for her.

make complaints about dialect words not very intense. At that time, she happened to meet a girl with a stack of books falling down on the ground when she passed by the corridor. Although she was passing by, she happened to be in a hurry. So she went straight to the office without help. Then the girl gave her a few sentences.

She didn't care, but she didn't expect that the other party extended from the small things she refused to help to her upbringing, saying that students without parents' instruction were different.

She listened to this kind of words too much and left without saying a word, but soon she heard the monitor tell her that the girl had been punished.

She looked at Li Shaoyun from a distance, staring at each other coldly. She glanced at each other from top to bottom. She seemed to be saying some unpleasant words. Soon she cried that girl, and even cried more and more. Finally, she was out of breath, snivel and tears.

Because she was so far away, her rebellious hearing didn't work.

However, it can be seen that Li Shaoyun's tone at that time was not fierce, and even had a slow feeling. However, she was very poisonous and almost merciless. The female teacher standing beside her was so frightened that she did not dare to persuade her.

It is undeniable that a warm current flashed in her heart at that second. The feeling that someone came out for her was really good.

Jing Yunzhao subconsciously pursed her lips and laughed. The whole person looked a little more light and gentle. Beside Gan Jinchen, the three people were still chatting. All of them were instantly attracted by her cold smile.

"Yunzhao, you are not thinking about Teacher Li, are you?" Xiao Haiqing eyes light slightly bright, hook shoulder to shoulder way.

Jing Yunzhao instantly restrained a look: "No."

"Don't admit it." Xiao Haiqing rolled his eyes and said to Gan Jinchen and Su Chu, "the students behind me are really more and more inconsistent. I'll bet Jing Yunzhao But it's also very interesting. I think we'd better make a bet on the three of us, and guess if Mr. Li will show up then? "

"Good!" Su Chu should be loud. Without saying a word, he felt that he was too conspicuous. He immediately shrunk his head and lowered his voice. Looking at Jing Yunzhao, he said with a smile: "however, my grandfather originally wanted to come here. If we bet on Teacher Li, what should my grandfather do?"

"Isn't that a good time? We can see whether it is grandfather Gan or teacher Li who wins. " Xiao Haiqing said with a smile.

Finish saying, take out money directly from pocket: "pocket money all present, lose person this month can only rub rice to eat."

"You are so cruel. Those students in the rear only bet on breakfast..." Gan Jin Chen a face opinion, but still very straightforward took out money: "I bet grandfather."

"Well I'll take it with my grandfather. " Su Chu thought for a while and said.

After all, my grandfather is an elder. When Mr. Li sees someone coming forward for Jing Yunzhao, surely he will not appear?

Xiao Haiqing pursed a smile: "in this case, I'll bet teacher Li."

The three gambled, and Tang Zihua couldn't sit still. He quickly took out the money and put it on Li Shaoyun. It was not that he trusted the mysterious teacher Li, but that he didn't want to bet with Gan Jinchen, and deliberately opposed him.

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