Zhuo Haiyang looks proud, looking at Jing Yunzhao's eyes, and even some potential in must get.

He hated Yuling wine industry to the extreme, and even more wanted to let Bai Yu'an collapse immediately, for nothing else, because the man made him feel jealous.

He and his father tried hard to create a good wine brand, but after so many years of hard work, the wine produced was still not popular with the public. However, Bai Yu'an, a novice, succeeded in one blow and became the leader of Ningshi liquor industry.

Bai Yu'an is lucky and gets benefits from Jing Yunzhao. But it must be said that Jing Yunzhao's vision is really too poor!

If Jing Yunzhao contacted several companies before, he would know that he Zhuo ocean was more capable and more promising than Bai Yu'an!

For example, now, isn't he successful?

Now on the street, all kinds of traffic platform and network TV, everywhere is the sea blue alcohol liquid series advertisement! He Zhuo ocean will soon be able to enter the real upper class society. In the future, he will build those wines into brands that symbolize tradition and national quintessence. At that time, everyone will think of his sea blue alcohol when they think of wine!

Zhuo Haiyang looked a little crazy and continued: "Jing Yunzhao, you have been with Bai Yu'an for such a long time, I'm afraid you haven't got much benefit, have you? You are still studying in such a small place as Huaning County. What's the difference between you and ordinary people? You have brought him so much wealth, but now that the wine party divulges, you are in debt. Are you willing? "

Say, Zhuo ocean is in hand, seem to want to touch to Jing Yunzhao's face.

Jing Yunzhao puts down his glass, grabs his wrist and smashes it on the table with his backhand.

"Mr. Zhuo, who told you I need to pay the penalty?" Jing Yunzhao sneered.

It's self righteous.

Zhuo Haiyang was stunned: "what do you mean? No penalty? It's impossible. Bai Yu'an will never be so generous. Even if he doesn't ask you to pay now, he will calculate with you soon. Do you know how much the Yuling wine industry has lost this time? The wine produced will soon be sold out, and all the wine will be smashed in your hands at that time... "

"Zhuo ocean, your delusion is very serious."

Jing Yunzhao stands up. Zhuo Haiyang looks ugly when he hears it. He rubs his wrist and immediately goes forward.

Jing Yunzhao snorted coldly. With a hook in his mouth, he kicked him in the crotch: "Mr. Zhuo, why do you have to ask for trouble so early? You could have been happy for a while."

"My wine, my people? Didn't you look in the mirror? You look ugly and flatter you, so don't disgust me Jing Yunzhao finished and raised his hand to pick up a dish from the table and put it directly on Zhuo Haiyang's head.

Zhuo ocean covered his lower body, biting his teeth or howling out.

As soon as he called, several waiters rushed in.

"Miss Jing, you're ok..." Words have not finished, saw Zhuo ocean embarrassed appearance, one by one scared.

At this time, Du Lin and Li Shaoyun also came. Jing Yunzhao had a look, and a trace of guilt flashed on his face. The next second, he suddenly raised his foot to Li Shaoyun and hid behind him. He pointed to Zhuo ocean and said innocently, "he wants to take advantage of me."

She kicked that kick seriously, if Zhuo ocean to test the injury is not good for her, so at the critical moment, showing weakness should be.

Shao Yun's face was cold? Does this man want to do something to ah Zhao

The crowd was stunned.

Move? It seems that Didn't you see that?

But before he could react, Du Lin nodded his head and looked at the next second. Li Shaoyun said again: "the witnesses are all there, so call the police and let him go to the bureau to sober up."

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