It's just a post. I thought it was nothing. After deleting one post after another, many posts came out. That's all. Who knows that those netizens are still talking about his molestation of girls at the beginning, and in a twinkling of an eye, they are on the sea blue alcohol liquid!

More than once, someone said there was something wrong with his wine!

It's just a bunch of stupid people. The taste of the wine is obviously the same. How can there be a problem?

"Zhuo Haiyang, I didn't want to advertise Yuling liquor industry for spending so much money. You'd better solve this matter quickly, or we will suffer serious losses." James stares at Zhuo ocean, some discontented mouth again way.

If Bai Yu'an had not refused his investment, he would never have chosen Zhuo ocean.

Early know Zhuo ocean so useless, it is better to keep those money to invest in more suitable companies!

Zhuo Haiyang has some difficulties, and the whole person is very upset: "I know, Mr. James, you can rest assured that this matter will be solved."

"It's better to be like this!"

James snorted, and the man behind him pushed the wheelchair straight out.

Looking at James's back, Zhuo Haiyang's head is going to be big. After thinking about it, he said to the people around him: "contact Jin Yushan and let him express his position in public. In addition, let the public relations write a statement and send it out. If there are any more artificial Ballads, our company will investigate its legal responsibility!"

Next to the staff immediately nodded, hurriedly to do.

On the same day, there was an interview on the Internet about Jin Yushan, a famous young student. Jing Yunzhao was staring at the people on the frequency screen, and his eyes were full of thought.

Jin Yushan has a very famous reputation. Before he spoke for the products of the ocean company, he had just performed several popular idol dramas. He was a man who ate by his face. When the fire broke out, he quickly received many advertisements, including cars, cosmetics, snacks and so on. He took advantage of this opportunity to get money. After his failure, he could not earn some money if he wanted to.

However, it can be seen that the man's brokerage company is not very good at advertising. The wine of the ocean company has just been put forward, and whether it has the ability of long-term development is unknown, so it has already taken over for him.

It's not a good thing for him to lose his reputation now.

Jing Yunzhao is watching, Xiao Haiqing's phone calls.

"Yunzhao, the time has come." At the other end of the phone, Xiao Haiqing's voice with a little smile said.

Naturally, Jing Yunzhao knew what the timing was, and immediately answered, "are all the people arranged OK? If the news spreads out, the ocean company will send someone to check it. Don't expose yourself. "

"Don't worry, I can still do this little thing." Xiao Haiqing smiles.

She had already found a good one. She had asked her former friends to buy it. Although it was a bribe, those involved didn't know the whole situation at all, because the wine they drank was indeed the product of the ocean company, but it was just adding some ingredients. As for the "material", only she and Jing Yunzhao knew about it.

The main responsibility of those people is to make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better.

James and Zhuo ocean plan her, threaten her, should be ready to be attacked by her now!

After talking to Jing Yunzhao, Xiao Haiqing proceeded directly according to the plan.

The next morning, there were two more patients in Ningshi hospital. They had a high fever, their lips were red and swollen, and there was a rash on the surface of their bodies. They looked very serious.

In the afternoon of the same day, another person was hospitalized with the same condition.

The next day, another

Another day, two patients

The same disease appeared in different people, which immediately attracted the attention of the hospital. For fear it was a kind of epidemic infectious disease, it was only found after the investigation that several patients had drunk the sea blue alcohol produced by the ocean company before they got sick! , the fastest update of the webnovel!