Jiang Rong's eyes flashed with shock.

Recently, she didn't go to see a doctor, did not buy anything to test, and she didn't have any pregnancy reaction. So the only way to know her pregnancy was when Xiao Haiqing took care of her pulse.

"Yes, I can trust her medical skills. I have a child for more than a month now." Xiao Haiqing smiles.

The expression is cool and thin, which makes people feel cold. Jiang Rong's heart is even harder to shake, and some are at a loss.

Because she was pregnant, so Xiao Haiqing didn't let her go back to Xiao Daoan?

For more than a month, it's not sure whether the child is Xiao Daoan's or James's!

"How can you say it now! You'll know it tomorrow... "

"Auntie Jiang, if I told you you were pregnant, would you go to see James the first time? You can't get what you want from my father. With this child, you can ask James to give you a future, but do you think I will let you go? As for now, James is too busy for himself. He has invested so much money in the ocean company, but now he has lost his money, so even if you find him, it's useless. " Xiao Haiqing has a cold attitude.

"You Xiao Haiqing, why are you so Vicious! What do you want me to do! " Jiangrong roared, a confused face: "I must kill this child..."

"Then you go to fight. As long as the child is gone, my things will be put on the Internet. Anyway, I'm disgraced. It's good to have someone accompany me, don't you?" Xiao Haiqing seemed to smile, but the doorbell rang.

Xiao Haiqing pursed his mouth and laughed. He got up to open the door. Jiang Rongru was struck by thunder, and the whole person stood stiffly in place.

Like Xiao Haiqing?

She never did.

She saw a little bit of the comments on the Internet just now, and she said that Xiao Haiqing didn't know how to behave. She didn't want to be the object of abuse by others!

But if so, she's going to have a baby? Jiang Rong touched her stomach, feeling extremely complicated.

At this time, Jing Yunzhao has already come in and stares at Xiao Haiqing: "did you know you had a handle on them? Why don't you tell me? "

"Yunzhao, I don't want you to worry about it..." Xiao Haiqing laughed and pulled her into the room: "it's OK. You see, I don't care."

"It doesn't matter? Xiao Haiqing, do you have a brain? Do you know what happens when those things go out? No. 1 middle school won't keep you any more. You will not be dismissed if you record demerit! What are you going to do when you pour? Looking to Xiao Daoan? " Jing Yunzhao is extremely angry.

That's not the main thing.

What she cares about is that Xiao Haiqing may be criticized all her life.

"You see, things are already like this. It's not helpful for you to be cruel to me." Xiao Haiqing looked like a little daughter-in-law: "Yunzhao, the things are in their hands. What can we do to get them back? Is it strong? Like what you broke into before? That's too impractical. He can copy as many copies of these things as he wants. I can hide from the first day of junior high school, but I can't avoid the fifteenth day. Sooner or later, I have to face it. "

Xiao Haiqing finished, raised his hand to Xiao Haiqing and handed him a glass of water: "drink water and calm down. Now, killing James and Zhuo ocean is what I want to do most."

Jing Yunzhao rubs his eyebrows and drinks up the glass of water.

"It's stupid of you to damage one thousand enemies and eight hundred to yourself, Xiao Haiqing." Jing Yunzhao took a deep breath and choked out a sentence.

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