Zhuo ocean into the hospital, of course, is to inform Zhuo's parents.

However, although the parents were sad, they were not surprised. After all, their son was hit too hard, and they were clear in their hearts. They cooperated with the doctor to explain all the reactions of their son at ordinary times. After thinking about it, they still left the person in a mental hospital for treatment.

Zhuo Haiyang still explains after he wakes up, but it is still the same as before. Doctors and nurses only think that he is suffering from an attack, and when he resists, he is forced to inject and take medicine.

After a period of time, Zhuo ocean has been muddled, obviously feel that his brain is not enough.

After months of torment, his spirit was at the end of his tether, and after this incident, he had a thorough problem.

I write and draw on paper every day. When I meet people, I say it's a wine recipe. Every day I take all kinds of liquid and tell others that it's sea blue alcohol. It tastes great. Once other "patients" don't cooperate, they start to go crazy, fight and kick, and become more and more irritable.

Zhuo ocean became a mental illness, and Jing Yunzhao also gave James a big gift.

He likes women so much. Of course, Jing Yunzhao wants to be treated well. He finds a sick woman to accompany him all night. Just as James is about to leave for home, he finds out that he is infected with sexually transmitted diseases, and he falls and smashes in anger.

In the villa, Jing Yunzhao sneaks in. James is surrounded by a woman. Halfway through the process, the woman finds something wrong and scolds: "old devil! Are you looking for a woman when you're sick? You want to kill people

With that, he threw and smashed at James with his new brand-name leather bag, and then grabbed the door.

James was wearing his body, and his face was ferocious and terrifying.

At this time, Jing Yunzhao, who was hiding in the dark, glanced at the surrounding situation, raised his hand and threw out the sharp weapon. In an instant, he hit the chain of the huge chandelier on James's head. He just heard the "bang" sound and directly smashed it down!

The moment the chandelier fell, James had heard the movement, subconsciously looked up at the past, but it was too late, suddenly the whole person fell in a pool of blood.

And two bodyguards guard guard at the door of the villa, heard the news, this just broke in, this look, also scared.

Jing Yunzhao retreated.

The lean camel is bigger than the horse. James is rich in money and has lost hundreds of millions. Although it is a great loss to him, it is not enough to live on.

But she didn't want such a person to remain in the world.

James died on the spot.

This is the first time that she has so directly ended a person's life, but the heart is only happy.

You can't be soft on people like James.

James's death also shocked people who knew him, but he was a foreigner after all. He was just some partners in China. No one felt sorry for him. What's more, James was famous for his lust and selfishness. This kind of person died and no one wanted to waste his feelings.

What's more, when James died, he was the only one in the room. Although he found a knife without fingerprints at the scene, it was impossible to cut the chain. What's more, even if he wanted to cut the chain, he had to climb a tall building. How could a normal person do it?

Since it was a dead end, Quan should be an accident.

The ocean company was completely destroyed. The two people most involved in the ocean company went crazy and died. That bad reputation became the past.

However, a few months later, Jing Yunzhao ushered in the most important examination of his life.

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