Jing Yunzhao three people are a Leng, Xiao Haiqing more surprised way: "when do you know so much about a big?"

"It's not me. We met before Zihua went to X city. He told me, and he also said that he wanted to go to a university, but by contrast, there are relatives and businesses in X city, and the environment is very good, so there is no way." Gan Jinchen said again.

Jing Yunzhao nodded.

In fact, she didn't know much about a university, but Bai Yu'an was born in that school. He said that the school environment was good, and it was good for all aspects.

The four chatted in a low voice for a long time, while they kept quiet all the time. The Tao pigeon's face was black from head to tail, as if someone owed her millions.

It's a pity that no one cares about her now.

The nearly ten hour drive was soon over, and it was also very interesting. Especially when we got to the station, the carriage became more and more lively. We could hear many people chatting. Some of them were talking about the local conditions and customs of Kyoto, and some were talking about gossip. Jing Yunzhao was excited and couldn't sleep at all.

Although she didn't like the bustle, it was the first time she took the train so far away from home, so she had some small expectations in her bones.

As soon as they arrived at the station, they got off with their belongings. Jing Yunzhao had only one suitcase. Xiao Haiqing didn't have a lot of things. They didn't have to help.

But before Jing Yunzhao turned around and left his seat, he saw that Tao pigeon was sweating. He was carrying a large travelling bag and two big bags containing various daily necessities. It seemed that he was unable to move.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and said, "can I help you?"

It's fate to meet you on a train. Kyoto is not as close to home as Ningshi is. After arriving in Kyoto, you will live a helpless life. Although it's exaggerated, you really have to rely on yourself. If you can help, you still have to help.

"No! Hum However, although Jing Yunzhao means well, the other party is ungrateful, and even stares at her fiercely and rubs past from her side.

Jing Yunzhao is surprised and smiles. There is nothing to be disappointed about.

This is to send a hand, since others are ungrateful, it is nothing. Besides, I was not prepared to make deep friendship.

"You really are. Are you good-natured Xiao Haiqing rolled her eyes.

"Well, let's go, too." Zhaoyundao.

She is not kind. It's hot now and they take the bus in the early morning. Now it's about ten o'clock when they arrive at the station. After leaving the station, they have to take a bus to school. The trouble is just beginning.

When she was in the car, she noticed that the ceramic pigeon had hardly drunk water. She was very excited and angry. If she turned back, it would not be good in case of heatstroke.

As a doctor, she could not turn a blind eye to the possibility of heatstroke.

But look at the girl's appearance, the body is very strong.

The four left the station and found a place to eat to relieve the heat.

But when I entered the shop, I saw the pottery pigeon again. The other party looked up at the shop, and then I was disgusted, as if the four of them had done something heinous.

The four were used to the girl's reaction and parted ways after eating and drinking enough.

Four people, four different colleges and universities, of course, can't go the same way. Fortunately, it's not too far away. It's OK to meet every week in the future, except for the military school selected by Gan Jinchen.

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