Jing Yunzhao is angry and laughs. Yao Baobao and Ren Xingyue are surprised. Some of them don't believe what the girl said because Jing Yunzhao looks very quiet and doesn't seem to be the kind of noise that affects the old man's temperament.

Step by step.

"Tao Ge, I thought you were just a little vain, but I didn't expect that it was more than that. I could do such things as the thief yelling to catch the thief. I really despised you." Jingyunzhao cold road.

"I didn't!" Tao Ge was aggrieved in his heart: "it was your roommate who hit me just now. Why should I be so righteous! She said she did it on purpose. How could she have done it if you didn't let her do it! Jing Yunzhao, you're putting on a show

At the thought of losing so many people in front of Jing Yunzhao on the train, her heart felt as if she had been burned by fire.

And they are all from Huaning County. Why do they have such a big difference? When Jing Yunzhao went to Kyoto with friends, she was alone. Jing Yunzhao was the number one scholar in the whole province. Although she achieved very well, she did not even have the capital to show off in front of Jing Yunzhao!

In addition, when we arrived in Kyoto, Jing Yunzhao and her friends went to a western restaurant to eat. We didn't have to go there. We knew that the price of the food in it would be very expensive. They should not be able to afford it!

Jing Yunzhao is beautiful and has good grades. She is better than her in every aspect. However, she has to struggle with her. She is humiliated on the train. She shows off to her when she goes to dinner. Now she even has people throw things at her!

Tao GE's eyes are slightly red, staring at Jing Yunzhao, and his eyes are full of anger.

Jing Yunzhao was speechless for a moment. Although she knew that this person was always on her side, she did not expect to be able to turn black and white into such a state.

"I didn't order people to throw things, believe it or not." Jingyunzhao cold road.

"She and you are roommates. Of course you can say what you want to say!" Tao Ge said again.

"Mr. Tao, it's not easy to be so thick skinned as you. I have nothing to say to you, but I advise you to be more careful in future, otherwise I don't blame me for being rude to you." Jing Yunzhao glanced at her coldly.

This pottery pigeon, on the contrary, is the flame more powerful.

"Rough on me? Jing Yunzhao, do you still want to hit me? You have the ability to... "

"BAM Bang Bang..."

The words did not fall, just look at the air dropped a few boxes directly hit the head of the ceramic pigeon.

In the past, there were things in those packing boxes, but now they are just some empty boxes, large and small, not heavy, but with a lot of quantity, which makes the pottery pigeon more and more embarrassed.

"You're finished! I've said that I just don't like you. If you want to call the police, hurry up. It's so noisy! " On the balcony upstairs, Huo Tianxian roared directly.

Jing Yunzhao took a puff at the corner of his mouth and then chuckled.

Huo Tianxian's temper is interesting, and his action is really timely.

After all, it was the first day she came to the school. She didn't want to break her precepts and beat people so early. However, looking at the appearance of the pottery pigeon, she really deserved to be beaten.

Just when Huo Tianxian smashed the box, she could let Tao Ge avoid this difficulty, but now she doesn't want to be kind to such a troublesome woman.

Huo Tianxian didn't have a sense of propriety. Everything in the box was taken out. Although it hit people, it didn't hurt Tao pigeon. At most, it made her suffer.

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