There are a lot of people in this restaurant. The fall of Tao pigeon is very embarrassing. The table shakes violently. The cup on the table falls down, and the tea in the table immediately flows down. It happens that Tao Ge falls on the top of the ceramic pigeon.

Feeling the eyes around him, Tao Ge didn't know what to do. Several roommates immediately stepped forward to help him, and stood up in confusion.

However, she had no light on her face. She had just tried her best to rush past, but was still thrown out by Jing Yunzhao. With that lesson, she didn't dare to go ahead at all. At this time, she didn't want to stay or stay.

Standing for a long time, under the pull of the students next to him, he sat back again.

The thick eyes on his face took off and sobbed.

From time to time, people around here turn their heads and take a look at Tao Ge and Jing Yunzhao.

Tao Ge is wronged, but Jing Yunzhao seems to have nothing happened. He even adds a dish, and the food is very sweet. He looks like nobody else, but the cold in his eyes is frightening. He knows that he is a bad person.

"Are you new students? On the first day of coming, is it better to put harmony first? After all, you just started It's a little tough. " After a long time, someone came out.

Nearly 20 minutes, the tears did not stop.

Jing Yunzhao looks at the speaker. He is a tall boy. He looks just and sunny.

"Cruel? That's what you don't see worse. " Jing Yunzhao said softly. After that, he looked at the three people beside him who had no appetite. He said, "sorry, you can't eat any more because of a good dinner. Next time, I'll treat you to a clean place."

Huo Tianxian put down his cup and leaned back: "OK, but I'm not a polite person. I won't save you money."

The other two felt like they wanted to leave immediately.

A meal, people keep staring at, after the "wuwuwu" cry non-stop, disgusting.

With their own things, the four got up to leave.

The big boy was hung on one side, his face was red, and he quickly stepped forward and pressed Jing Yunzhao's shoulder.

Jing Yunzhao's face was cold, and his body was stiff. His right hand even clasped the other's wrist directly. He lifted his breath and exerted a hard force, and he fell over his shoulder directly.

"Bang" a huge sound, let this noisy restaurant for an instant quiet down, all around are stunned.

"I'm sorry, I don't like people touching me, so I subconsciously defend myself." Jing Yunzhao opened his mouth.

Although it's an apology, I always feel that if I touch her again next time, it's still the same end, as if on purpose.

The boy felt numb in his back, lingered on the ground for a while, gritted his teeth and groaned twice, and his head was in a daze. When he reacted, several people of Jing Yunzhao had already left, and were thrown in vain. Without saying anything, his purpose was not achieved.

What Jing Yunzhao dislikes most is that he goes forward to be a peacemaker regardless of right and wrong.

Just now the boy was sitting at the table next to Tao Ge, close to him, so he knew exactly what Tao Ge said. But when Tao Ge opened his mouth, he didn't come forward to stop him. Instead, he watched Tao Ge cry for 20 minutes. Then he came forward to make her "peace is the most important thing". Obviously, he felt that the girl who could cry was pitiful.

"That was a really good move!" In Yao Baobao's eyes, Jing Yunzhao seems to have become a strong man.

"It's amazing that you don't show your face? I'll call you if I meet a lecher in the future Huo Tianxian picked his mouth and said with a smile.

"You just did that It's very professional. It seems that you should have the foundation of fighting? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!