She studied medicine and pharmacy. She didn't just want to be a miracle doctor and travel around the world to treat patients and save people. In that way, she could not stop her whole life and cure many patients. However, it was different to open a pharmaceutical factory, which could save a lot of trouble and play a greater role.

For example, when there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, the demand for drugs is so great that a doctor and a pharmaceutical factory can't compare.

When Jing Yunzhao explained this, Qi Zhong nodded clearly, but there was something in his heart that was not strange.

Jing Yunzhao is using Dusheng ointment as bait to catch these big fish. In addition, the elder brother should be aware of

Qi Zhong's mouth twitched for a moment, and suddenly understood that it was because the boss was clear that he didn't open his mouth. Instead, it was his turn that the second son came to discuss with Jing Yunzhao?

This has not yet become a couple, so collusion, in the future, if really become a couple

"I will make your suggestion with the leader. The requirements are not high, so there should be no problem. However, if the guide of Dusheng ointment is in your hand, you should pay more attention to it. At that time, the military will also sign a series of agreements with you. Once the secret recipe is leaked, your responsibility will never be small." Qi Zhong warned.

It's a reminder, but it's a deliberate bluff.

Jing Yunzhao is not frightened. Everything is favorable, there are risks. She is very strict.

What's more, the so-called prescriptions are all hidden in her brain. How can they be so easily leaked?

Jing Yunzhao immediately nodded and said, "anyway, your army will build a factory to produce Dusheng paste. It's not difficult to handle all kinds of certificates for me by the way? Of course, the best way is to help me choose the location of the factory. The two factories should not be too far away, or outsiders will be surprised to see it, right? "

"You are..." Qi Zhong pointed to the scene of Yunzhao, a face helplessly put down his hand: "this cheap can really be fair and aboveboard."

"It's not a bargain, it's just an equivalent transaction. After all, don't forget that the factory of Dusheng paste should be the same as the factory under my name. If the certificate is not complete, how can it be qualified to produce? Can't your military know how to break the law? " Jing Yunzhao gently smiles, but with a bit of arrogance.

Qi Zhong sighed: "OK, I know. I'll deal with it as soon as possible. But if you don't have enough money, I'll ask the military to lend money for you. In addition, when the factory director of Dusheng paste is selected, he should see you."

"Don't worry about money. I don't like losing money to others." After finishing, Jing Yunzhao politely smiles and turns to go. However, after two steps, he stops and asks, "if I ask your army to dispose of the pottery pigeons, can I also do it?"

Qi Zhong has a deep vision.

"I'm joking. I'm not going to let the military work hard for this, but I believe that if this is the condition, you will do it. After all, for the country, for the family and for the people..." Jing Yunzhao's smile is a little chilly.

She knew exactly what Qi Zhong had told her before.

She can do without selling the ointment, but once it's sold to people who are against the military, she'll die.

However, although she felt a little timid, she didn't think there was anything wrong with this. The military's position is to protect the country, which is kind and soft hearted. It is harmless to the country, and each has its own position. It is too one-sided to say that it is right or wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!