Jing Yunzhao and Zhou Meijun, as class leaders, are responsible for the discipline of the students and watch their shooting, so they are at the end of the line.

Ten bullets per person in the shooting event. This time, it's a real shot. The distance is 200 meters, and the shooting is prone.

The first row of students fell down, adjusted their guns and aimed at the empty target in the distance. Suddenly, the sound of "bang bang" kept ringing. Some people felt excited when they heard the sound, but some people were scared and scared.

After the first round of student design, the man behind the mound in the distance appeared to check the target.

"Miss, miss, miss Second ring, one ring Three points in total. "

"All miss, zero..."

"All miss..."


Eight people in the first row can't add up to one ten rings, let alone ten shots for each.

As soon as the result came out, the students were disappointed, but after all, it was the first time. Even though the result was not good, it did not let them lose their enthusiasm, and even thought it was good that eight people were not completely destroyed.

Two teams in a row ended, it was Huo Tianxian's turn, and the other team also had Tao pigeons.

Huo Tianxian raised his eyebrows and smile at the ceramic pigeon. A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes. The next second, he bent down and looked at the target in the distance. "Bang bang" shot several shots. However, when Tao Ge saw Huo Tianxian, he would show some inferiority complex and hypochondriac in his bones. His face was gloomy and his speed was much slower than that.

"Five rings, six rings, four rings..."

Huo Tianxian's results are obviously better than others. All ten shots hit the target, and the total score is about 60 points. For novices, it's already good. Especially one of the shots hit nine rings. I don't know if the blind cat ran into a dead rat.

Qi Zhong rarely shows a somewhat appreciative expression: "make do with it."

"Miss Ben only played with the gun for two days, otherwise it must have been more than eight rings!" Huo Tianxian is not grateful at all.

Qi Zhong shows some helplessness. This woman can't boast.

Then look at Tao Ge. At this time, his face was extremely embarrassed. Ten bullets and nine missed the target, and the remaining one shot only hit a second ring!

Even Yao Baobao is a little bit more than her, let alone Huo Tianxian.

"A fool is a fool." After Huo Tianxian got up, he dusted his body and rolled his white eyes at the pottery pigeon.

Tao Ge trembled with anger, and her face was pale. She was disappointed to the extreme. If Qi Zhong was not always strict, she really wanted to beg the instructor to turn it over and let her do it again.

Tao pigeon lost people, Zhou Meijun also feel shameless, that is, the rest of the class look at Tao pigeon are disappointed and shake their heads.

"What are you proud of? I haven't hit yet Zhou Meijun said two words in a low voice.

Tieqing looked at the rest of the students with a face, but they did not forget to tell them one by one, for fear that they would forget the shooting skills. However, she said too much, and A08 students were also a little impatient, but could not concentrate. Especially when she started to remind, the students did not play well, it would be disobeying her, but it became her credit to fight well.

When Jing Yunzhao and Zhou Meijun came forward, the students next to him began to ramble: "monitor, when you saw us shooting, you talked a lot. You must have perfect skills. Don't miss the target!"

Zhou Meijun smiles confidently.

Miss target? She didn't touch the gun. How could she miss the target!

Just thinking, Jing Yunzhao's gunshot has already started.

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