"PATA" a, tears suddenly fell down, Qi Zhong a Leng, some muddled, good cry what?

"And face to cry?" After a few seconds, Qi Zhong said.

Huo Tianxian was so angry that he still had tears on his face. He glared at Qi Zhong and said, "I love crying. Do you care?"?! If it wasn't for you, my feet would be fine and swollen like this. I couldn't wear good-looking shoes when I went back to school. You still have the face to scold me. The instructor is amazing! "

"Didn't I just say something about you? I've been aiming at me for half a month. I'm still a man. I haven't seen a man like you who is unkind and impersonal. Wait for me. After tomorrow, I'll see how you bully me! "

After going back in the afternoon is the summary of military training, and tomorrow is the day to leave for school.

Qi Zhong kneaded his temple, but he felt helpless.

I've never seen a person cry like this. When Zhou Meijun cried, it looked like the sky was going to collapse, but Huo Tianxian was just a cannon barrel.

"Come on, stop it." Qi Zhong only felt the buzz in his ear.

"Wow..." Huo Tianxian's eyes were suddenly closed and he began to howl loudly.

Hearing this, the medical staff all shed sweat and looked at Qi Zhong sympathetically.

Qi Zhongtou is going to blow up. Fortunately, he still thinks that Huo Tianxian is relatively clever, but now he is good. It has not been a few hours before he reveals his true shape. Look at the way he cries, he is ferocious.

"No crying!" Qi Zhong said coldly.

Huo Tianxian was angry and howled. Then he reached out and pulled Qi Zhong's arm. He opened his mouth and bit him.

Qi Zhong's blue veins were exposed and he snorted. When Huo Tianxian let go of his mouth, he looked at her and said, "have you finished your revenge? Just shut up and stop crying. It's ugly and ugly. "

The weather was already hot and he was upset by crying.

Huo Tianxian stopped, nuogued, and began to snort. The rest of his eyes glanced at Qi Zhong's arm, only to see two rows of blood coming out of his head, which was shocking.

"That's why you're impersonal. You don't even hum when you're bitten like this, but don't think we're even. You'll be better after a few days, but mine is different!" Huo Tianxian said again.

"Of dogs." Qi Zhong said casually, and said to the medical staff: "go back and give me a rabies vaccine."

A second ago, Huo Tianxian's anger just disappeared a little. At this moment, he exploded again, staring at Qi Zhong and saying, "do you dare to fight? Can you believe that I cry all day and make you die

When Qi Zhong heard this, he felt exhausted physically and mentally and couldn't laugh or cry.

I have never seen anything like this, unreasonable, conceited, arrogant, arrogant, domineering, big miss temper.

What shortcomings are occupied, but I can't hate it. It's more lovely than Zhou Meijun or pottery pigeon.

"Well, you can do this time. Pay attention to it in the near future, and try not to walk on the ground." Qi Zhong was serious.

"That's about it." Huo Tianxian looked like a cockfight, raised his head and laughed.

Except for the two voices that just started crying, they were all intentional, so the tears on his face were dry, but his eyes were still wet. Qi Zhong was stunned.

As soon as Huo Tianxian was injured, he immediately evolved from a beloved concubine to a empress dowager. Sitting in the health truck, she was swinging her other uninjured leg and humming and humming a little song, so don't mention more beating.

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