During military training, Jing Yunzhao was allowed to mention that Zhou Meijun's biological father was a drunkard and had domestic violence.

Zhou Meijun suffered a lot from her father when she was a child. After her mother remarried, she originally wanted to stay with her biological father. However, she refused to live or die. She went to the Zhou family and begged hard, which made Zhou's father soft hearted.

At that time, Zhou Meijun was about twelve or thirteen years old.

Ren Xingyue grew up in the Zhou family since she was a child. In terms of relatives, she can naturally compare with Zhou Meijun.

It's just that even if it's blood relationship, sometimes it can't compare with his wife's pillow style. Zhou's father is a little weak man. So after a long time, Zhou's father has no difference between Zhou Meijun and Ren Xingyue. Sometimes, he even thinks Ren Xingyue is not a girl, not as intimate as Zhou Meijun.

When hearing Ren Xingyue say these things before, Jing Yunzhao thinks more about Xiao Haiqing's past. His own father is like this, let alone his uncle who is separated by another layer.

After Jing Yunzhao finished, Zhou Meijun glared at him and said, "Jing Yunzhao, I know you have sharp teeth and sharp mouth, but this is our Zhou family's business. It has nothing to do with you! Mind your own business

"You Zhou family? The half way daughter who has no blood relationship really takes herself seriously. " Jing Yunzhao despised the way.

It's not that the father and daughter have no feelings on the way, but in her opinion, for Zhou Meijun, Zhou's father is a supporter for her. There may not be much love between father and daughter, but there is a lot of love used.

Zhou Meijun's eyes were like a poisonous snake staring at Jing Yunzhao. After a few seconds, he suddenly laughed: "no matter how hard your mouth is, no matter how expensive you look, you can't get rid of the fact that you are a country bumpkin."

"For example, if there is no Huo Tianxian, can you afford it? Oh, by the way, are you in Huo Tianxian's car? I'm afraid you haven't seen such a luxury car without her? I really think I'm great? " Zhou Meijun sneered.

"Enough!" Shen Tong suddenly gave a cold drink: "Miss Zhou, Jing Yunzhao is my guest. Please keep your mouth clean."

"Auntie Shen, you are a high-end beauty salon, not a barber shop or a massage parlor. Can anyone enter? She is an orphan who has no parents. Her food and clothes are given by others. I don't know if she has lice on her body. Can such a person stay with us? " Zhou Meijun chattered and said.

Jing Yunzhao's eyes are dim.

"Aunt Tong, I see that half of the house next to your beauty salon is still vacant and has not started construction. Why?" Jing Yunzhao suddenly asked.

Shen Tong was stunned: "Oh Well, as you can see, the shopping center is on the opposite side of the road. The location is very good. After I bought the house here, I talked with the other side. I spent a lot of money and effort to let the other side sell. In the future, I'm going to make the beauty salon bigger, and add a place for fitness and tea But I've just spent a lot of money on two houses so I'll have to wait for a while

She doesn't like to rent a house, which is troublesome and variable. She would rather spend more money and have an industry to support her, so she will be relaxed in the future.

Now the beauty salon is not small in area. It is about 600 square meters. The decoration is luxurious. It is also in this shopping street. The price must be exorbitant. In addition to the other half of the houses with the same area, the consumption of money is not to mention.

"Aunt Tong, do you accept investment? I won't participate in your management of the beauty salon. It's enough to issue a bonus every year. " Jing Yunzhao suddenly said.

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