Their old Du family used to be an ordinary working-class family, and their parents did not have much education. Their younger brother was finally admitted to a good university and then stayed to teach. She also found a good husband. There was no need for her brother to suffer for the hundreds of thousands of yuan.

"Forget it, you still have a wife and children to support. It's only a few hundred thousand. Your brother-in-law is not greedy for such small money. It's nothing to him, but next time you have to pay attention to it. After all, you also want to be famous. It doesn't matter if I deceive your sister, but if it hurts others, it will have a bad effect on you..." Mrs. Zhou said with concern.

Speaking of this, Du Rongyang turned pale: "elder sister, I remember you said that. I bought a string for a colleague before and before. He will not find the string is fake, right? What can I do? If he knows, he will definitely let me pay for it, or even make it known to the students. Then I will "

people were all flustered, and immediately stood up and paced back and forth like a headless fly.

After a few seconds, he said, "no, I can't wait to die. I have to ask the colleague to sell me the bracelet, but this money Oh, forget it. Fame is more important than money. I have saved some money over the years. If I think about selling things in the shop, I can do it. Sister, I owe it to you this time, otherwise I don't know it's fake! That damned old Li lied to me

While speaking, holding the paper towel on the seat, shaking, wiping sweat, a look of some fear.

As soon as Mrs. Zhou looked, she was also anxious for her brother.

"What do you sell? You don't have anything to sell in your family, do you? " Mrs. Zhou said immediately.

When she went to school, her brother only knew how to study hard. She was honest, and often was cheated. Later, she finally worked hard and thought it was a good time to have a hard time. But when she just started working, she was ostracized and asked for dinner from time to time, which was regarded as spending money to relieve disasters.

She married a woman with a good family background, but the woman had a brother, and her family property was less than her. On weekdays, she played with her children at home, and the consumption was high. Moreover, the younger brother was afraid of losing face for her. Every year, cigarettes and wine for her husband were worth a lot of money, and her life was very tight

After thinking about this, Mrs. Zhou sighed and turned to take out a card from her bag: "there's 600000 here. Your brother-in-law doesn't know about it. So don't tell him to take the money and buy the string back. Be careful in the future."

"Sister, this is not good, I always want your money..." Du Rongyang was hesitant and moved.

"What's wrong? If I had known your brother-in-law earlier, I would not have let you still be a poor professor there. It is reasonable for you to work in your brother-in-law's company for your major in those years, and the future is certainly better than now! " Mrs. Zhou also felt a pity, and said, "your sister and wife are more economical, and usually don't give me a lot of money at a time. Otherwise, I'll give you more. Take it well."

Du Rongyang's face moved, voice some hoarse: "sister, thanks to you."

"Well, you're my brother. Who am I not going to help you with? There's nothing wrong with calling you here just now. Go back early. " Mrs. Zhou said willingly.

"Yes." Du Rongyang nodded.

With a complex and dignified look, he left his wife's eyes this week.

Just as soon as he got out of the door of Zhou's house and got into the car, Du Rongyang's mouth was hooked.

In a twinkling of an eye, he made another 600000 yuan. However, the more money he got, the more stingy he was. His brother-in-law also made hundreds of millions every year. He never gave any alms to his only brother-in-law. Fortunately, he was smart enough to find his sister-in-law, otherwise he would not be poor? , the fastest update of the webnovel!