Jing Yunzhao has always disliked trouble. Although he was not a monitor in high school, he was enslaved by old man Qi for two years. Now he is not easy to get rid of it. How could he be so stupid as to send him to his door.

"I'm afraid not, because I don't have much time..." Jing Yunzhao's guest airway.

As soon as he said this, Jing Yunzhao really felt the voice of a lot of students who breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I can't think of anyone other than you..." Huo Tianxian also said.

"Just let me go. I'm going to go out to work and earn money when I'm free. I'm very busy to be a monitor, especially the monitor of a university. It's better to leave it to others." Jing Yunzhao waved, found a seat and sat down.

"Working? Are you short of money Huo Tianxian is confused. Isn't Jing Yunzhao spending 10 million yuan on investment before? After the beauty salon has been straightened out, every year there is a huge amount of entry, but also need to go out to work?

It was a little strange to her.

What Jing Yunzhao said about working is not fake. I'm afraid the pharmaceutical factory will be built soon. She will be busy at that time. Besides, medical skills can't be delayed. She is also going to find a clinic to stay in. She has more knowledge and practice. The monitor of a university is always busier than the head teacher, so she has no energy to undertake it.

"Is there anyone who is short of money?" Jing Yunzhao said with a smile.

Huo Tianxian choked. What she asked was really a bit silly. The more nobody thinks that money is much these days, even the richest man in the world may think that money is still not enough?

Other people also know that Jing Yunzhao was born in an ordinary family. She refused so clearly. It was hard for us to force her. Finally, there was a discussion. Finally, a boy who looked like a teacher was elected. The boy wore a pair of glasses and was very gentle. His name was Han Nan. Jing Yunzhao had never talked to him, so she didn't know him very well, but look at this Although the appearance is gentle, it is also polite, generous and square, without any shyness. It is indeed quite good.

As for the head teacher, is a meticulous middle-aged people, nothing special.

After deciding on a series of chores, it is the formal class. However, at the beginning of almost all the courses, the expression of students falling asleep is welcome.

However, it is no wonder that the students still have some enthusiasm for the new entrance. Unfortunately, most of the things that the lecturers have just begun to talk about seem to be a little boring, especially the ideological and moral aspects, which make the atmosphere in this room even more boring.

"All the students are new students. On the first day of my class today, I introduce myself to you in Mandarin. However, in order to improve your ability, I have to talk in foreign language from the beginning of the formal class. Is that ok?" One class, a middle-aged lecturer said.

All of them sighed. Although they started to learn Mi language very early, some complicated new words were still troublesome.

"This lecturer is a professor, but he is an assistant professor. He is one level lower than the associate professor. However, I heard that he dislikes being called an assistant professor. Students usually call him Professor Du, which is very useful." A girl behind Jing Yunzhao whispered.

Jing Yunzhao looked up at Professor Du, but he didn't like him.

I always feel that the person's kind-hearted appearance does not match his appearance. The big black mole on his jaw almost destroys the balance of the whole face, which seems somewhat unjust and sinister.

"Your grades in high school are all good. I heard that one of my classmates was only one point short of the full mark in the college entrance examination, right? Then ask this classmate to record what I said in class every time after class, and review the students who don't understand. Is that ok? " Du Rongyang said again.

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