After thanking the boy, the old man sat down, looked up at Jing Yunzhao and asked, "are you a student of a university? What did you learn? "

Less than a minute after meeting, I saw that his legs were not good, and he was so sensitive to medicinal materials that he was so talented that he didn't go to be a doctor or a police officer. What a pity.

"I studied management." Jing Yunzhao's guest airway.

The old man was a little surprised and disappointed. Seeing his appearance, Jing Yunzhao thought for a while and said, "you should be a lecturer in Chinese traditional culture? Or a professor. "

"Do you know me?" When she met a girl, she thought that she was better than the old one.

"When you get on the bus at a university, your voice is a little hoarse and you pay attention to your appearance. It is more likely that the teacher is a teacher. When I said that I was studying management, your eyes were a little disappointed. Ordinary teachers would not be like this. However, the teachers in the traditional Chinese culture school were more arrogant and were not interested in the profession full of copper smell. Some even looked down on students who might become businessmen in the future Besides, you have some cocoons on your hand. You should be a master of calligraphy. " Jing Yunzhao explained clearly.

She was not prepared to talk to the old man too much, but just to get close and talk about his illness.

If you rashly persuade him to go to the hospital for investigation, it seems too abrupt. If you can talk more, maybe it will be better.

The old man's eyes lit up: "yes, I'm a professor of Chinese traditional culture. I've just thought about it a lot. I seldom come to the general hospital in the past two years. As a young girl, you are a freshman. Naturally, you don't know me. Just because I see people unjustly, people are prone to make mistakes when they are old. As you said, being arrogant is not good."

I hope you don't mind my improper wording Jing Yunzhao's guest airway.

"I'm not so mean, old man." The old man said with a smile: "little classmate, where are you going?"

"Zhi - Z -" the old man just asked, suddenly came a piercing sound of braking.

Jing Yunzhao shook his body and looked forward. He found that the driver seemed to be in great pain. He was sweating and turning the steering wheel madly. The people in the car screamed with fear.

Jing Yunzhao is also in a panic. He steadies her figure and quickly goes to help. With great strength, she stops the driver and stops the car.

After trying pulse, I can clearly feel that the driver's heart rate is extremely fast, and he is breathing heavily. He looks like he has been ill, but he is more like being injected with drugs

He quickly turned over the driver's clothes and smoothed up his sleeve. Sure enough, he found a blue pinhole in the driver's arm.

At this time, the car has just stopped, and everyone in the car panicked and ran down. In the panic, I'm afraid that the person who just injected the medicine can't find it. Although there is a camera on the car, the things taken may not be clear. Moreover, if the other party dares to inject something so boldly, he will certainly disguise himself for protection.

But why is it aimed at a small driver?

Jing Yunzhao always felt a little flustered. After all, it was too sudden or even a little too coincidental.

With patience, Jing Yunzhao put those messy ideas out of the way, and quickly took out some pills from the space and put them into his mouth. After a while, the man's complexion had almost recovered.

It's just that some of the people outside have been scared out of their wits. Even if the driver is good, the car may not dare to take it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!