When Zhou Meijun heard this, she felt a little flustered on her face and frowned. She sniffed it secretly, but she didn't feel anything wrong with her.

The taste is a little bit, but it is very light, and the taste of cigarettes is not the same? How can I smell three kinds of things? But Jing Yun Zhao is not mistaken. She has just been with several male friends, five people, three of them are using the same cigarette, and one of them does love perfume.

It should be a coincidence, or did Jing Yunzhao see it?

At such a thought, Zhou Meijun felt uneasy: "where were you just now?"

"Why, are you worried about my peeping into your messy private life?" Jing Yunzhao looks scornful.

"You! I'm just having a little get-together with my friends. You're not the same. You're riding in an old man's car. Isn't that old man who gave you so many gifts? If it's spread out, who can't make it? And I've already photographed it, your evidence! " Zhou Meijun showed off her mobile phone and shook it.

Jing Yunzhao suddenly laughed: "yes, but I won't give you money to buy photos. My money will not be spent on bitches."

Jing Yunzhao seldom swears so bluntly, but he has to say that "cheap and human" makes his mood more cheerful. After that, he turns his head and goes to his dormitory with disdain.

Zhou Meijun hate waiting for her back, and then made a phone call.

In less than five minutes after Jing Yunzhao returned to her dormitory, a group of people came to the door.

Several people were holding new toys to tease Heidi. Leng Buding was scared by the unexpected girls. Huo Tianxian said directly: "don't you know how to knock on the door? No basic education? "

There were about five or six people with a book in hand. They looked serious.

Zhou Meijun stayed at the end of the day, and without speaking, he took his mobile phone to shoot it. It seemed that he had deliberately turned on his voice, which sounded like a "click".

"We are from the student union. Now we need to check the sanitation of your dormitory." Zhou Meijun laughed and then said, "pets are not allowed in dormitories. You don't know this rule, do you? And give your pet in. "

Zhou Meijun said that several other people had already broken into the dormitory and began to point to other places: "whose quilt is this? If you don't pass the test, you will be deducted from your apartment. The tables are too messy. What's the mess? The desk is a place for you to learn, not for putting beauty products. What about the bags on the floor? It's so dirty! My God, are you still a bathroom... "

Chatter on and on.

Jing Yunzhao doesn't dislike checking hygiene, but Zhou Meijun brings people to check, which is different.

Yao Baobao lost the bet with Huo Tianxian before, so she did all the sanitation of the dormitory this month. Jing Yunzhao wanted to train her hands-on skills, so she seldom helped. The room was a bit messy, but it was a bit too dirty.

There are only two or three bags on the ground, and they are all put together. Actually, the tables of several people are clean. There are no garbage in the personal articles. It is normal to have a little disordered quilt at night. Let alone the bathroom, there are a lot of skin care products in it. Besides, Yao Baobao has just taken a bath, so there is still some heat in it There are water stains all over the place.

As for the so-called crime of imposing, no one will listen to the explanation even now.

"Jing Yunzhao, what are you doing? Do you want to be deducted more points if the pet is handed in? "

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