These clothes add up to a high price. According to the saleswoman's introduction, each dress here is unique. The quality and style of the clothes are really very special. She really likes them. However, it is not her habit to ask men to pay.

Jing Yunzhao took out his card, which surprised the salesmen nearby. Then he took a contradictory look at Li Shaoyun. Obviously, he didn't know whose card was suitable.

Li Shaoyun picked eyebrows: "did you forget to return to me today?"

Jing Yunzhao's face broke down: "that Well, I'll pay you back tomorrow. "

This is the first time that she accepted such a valuable gift from others. She felt a little complicated, but Li Shaoyun didn't take it seriously. She resolutely paid, signed, and took the initiative to pick up the things in the car. All the women here would scream.

The moment they step out of the store, Jing Yunzhao can still hear the excited voices of the women behind them.

"Wow, he's really handsome. I've never seen a handsome man who loves his girlfriend so much! Just now, when the girl tried on the clothes, he was really patient. He was not as perfunctory as the men he had seen before. He simply envied the dead! "

"That's right. His girlfriend must be very happy. You see, a good gentleman, he also opens the door for her girlfriend. It looks so handsome!"

"Is that expensive? But think about it. It's normal to drive a car like this... "


"It's useless for you to envy me. It's only when a girl's girlfriend looks that she's beautiful. You can see that it's a perfect match, and you can tell by the temperament of the girl that she's definitely a big lady, which is not comparable to ordinary people." The store manager looked at a group of women chattering, looked at the back of the luxury car, also said a sour.

This man, fate is very different.

After the car left, Jing Yunzhao finally felt that his ears were clean. His good ear strength was not a good thing. He could hear everything he didn't want to hear.

Then Li Shaoyun took her to other shops and bought some tonics.

"For the old man?" Jing Yunzhao was a little surprised, but Li Shaoyun didn't explain too much. After buying something good, he took her directly to a manor.

The manor is not very big, but the scenery is good, the air is also good, the location is relatively partial, all the way straight into, the car stops near the manor villa.

There are shady paths in the manor. When the wind blows, the sound of "rustling" is emitted. The leaves on the trees are haggard in autumn, and the color of leaves is slightly yellow. The interweaving of yellow and green makes it more gorgeous.

And under that tree, put a few reclining chairs, two figures sit one stop.

Li Shaoyun slightly hooks his hand and puts Jing Yunzhao's hand in his arm. Then he raises his foot and walks over.

When I got closer, I only saw the old man sitting with an unofficial history book in his hand and looked down. However, after careful observation, he found that the old man's eyes were closed and motionless, and he seemed to be asleep. Next to him was a middle-aged man in his forties, dressed up in a proper way and looking like a housekeeper.

As soon as Li Shaoyun approached, the old man suddenly moved. The book flew to him in an instant. The old man reached out and took the crutch beside him. He knocked and beat Li Shaoyun.

Jing Yunzhao is shocked. The old man is really Old and strong, walk fresh wind.

"Grandfather, there are guests." Li Shaoyun blocked the master's grasp, and then he coughed and reminded him.

The old man looked at Jing Yunzhao: "darling, why didn't you bring my great grandson?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!