Feeling the warm breath, Jing Yunzhao's face suddenly flushed, staring at Li Shaoyun. I don't know whether he is angry or flustered.

"You kiss me?" Li Shaoyun opened her mouth first and looked like a victim.

Jing Yunzhao is muddled for a moment, nuzui, a word can not be said.

Just now she had been looking out of the window, she didn't notice anyone approaching. Who knows, she ran into

"I Not on purpose, but why were you so close to me just now Jing Yunzhao stares and asks.

The delicate red ear tip is a little cute, Li Shaoyun's ink like eyes seem to open in an instant, handsome and gentle: "a Zhao, I just really just wanted to get to your side of the thing, did not think of you So direct. "

Li Shaoyun pointed to the bottle of water in front of her, looking innocent.

Jing Yunzhao took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but at this time, the previous restraint suddenly lost its effect. He felt that every cell in his whole body was impulsive and clamoring, and his brain didn't listen to it.

This is the first time she has been so intimate with a opposite sex!

Qiao Weimin used to touch her in her previous life, but she could hide, so she didn't suffer a big loss. She didn't even want to have a love affair or have any intimate behavior with a man in her previous life!

After rebirth She's only a teenager, and she can't think so much!

"Li Shaoyun, do you think I am a fool? How could it be so clever? " Jing Yunzhao was furious.

This feeling was too strange. She was so nervous that she could not even look at Li Shaoyun's eyes. It was not the first time, but this time it was really very strong. She didn't want this kind of change.

"Are you angry?" Li Shaoyun frowned and said solemnly, "although you have taken advantage of me, it's just that I'm not right. It's because I don't feel good enough to prick you..."

Tie, tie, you, le

The four big characters in Jing Yunzhao's mind, directly deepen the feeling of that moment.

In fact, it is very short, less than a second, but the side effects are obvious.

Jing Yunzhao's eyes were a little red: "I want to get off, Li Shaoyun. I think we all need to sort out our emotions. I know that I owe you kindness, and it's more than once. But if it's a friend, you can ask me to repay you as much as you want, but it's not."

"Why not?" Li Shaoyun's eyes are gloomy.


"Because you're afraid? Do you think that once you change relationships, you don't want to be free? Are you afraid that I will be like the Qiao family or the Jing Tiejun family before you Jing Yunzhao himself did not think of the reason. Li Shaoyun had already said it and said, "ah Zhao, you know me."

"I won't do that. If I really want to imprison you, I won't wait until today. Ah Zhao, I just want you to be good. I've always been only for you. I can guarantee that as long as you don't speak, I will never interfere with your affairs. In fact, you don't have to be afraid. You are not the king Yunzhao who has no resistance ability. The past has already passed. You are studying, developing your career or looking for a man like me, All right. Besides, it was an accident. Of course, I can avoid it, but I can't help it. "

Li Shaoyun's voice was low and his eyes were fixed on her as if to lock the woman in front of her.

For the first time, Jing Yunzhao heard Li Shaoyun say so much Numb words, strange heart, some touch.

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