Jing Yunzhao was startled by the sound outside the window. He pushed Li Shaoyun aside in an instant. He turned his head and looked at the window. He was stabbed by the light. But he also saw the light blue uniform. He was speechless, choking and covering his face.

She is really

I haven't done such a disgraceful thing in my life!

Is this her? The man just now is not!

Li Shaoyun's face was dark, and his eyes glanced at the policeman outside. It was like killing people. However, the people outside didn't care so much. He continued to stare at the window: "get out of the car! I've written down the license plate number. If I don't get off the car, the punishment will be more serious! "

Jing Yunzhao draws from the corner of her mouth, ready to open the door.

Li Shaoyun rubbed his temple and vomited his breath: "sit down obediently."

With that, he took the initiative to get out of the car.

He had never run away from the scene in his life, and he wanted to see what the chief inspector looked like!

The patrolman was shocked when he looked at Li Shaoyun. There are many handsome men these days, but he has never seen one who looks so ferocious and cold-blooded. However, ferocity is useless. He is not so easily frightened!

"Take out the ID card, and the one inside, also come out..."

Li Shaoyun stares at the lengtouqing, gnashing his teeth. Although he can just drive away directly, he is also a member of the army. He has always been self disciplined. No matter what kind of work it is, he has never neglected where to cooperate. However, it is better to change this habit next time.

Li Shaoyun handed over his ID card, and the other side said, "that girl, come down and I'll have a look..."

At this time, Li Shaoyun has locked the door of the car. Jing Yunzhao can't open it at all. He can only stay obediently and bury his head deeply. His face is burning red and he can't laugh or cry.

"Fine, right? Take the money and I'll press the fingerprints. It's almost OK. " Li Shaoyun's cold and secluded road.

"No! You have to follow the rules, get her out of the car and show me. You're not a kidnapper, are you? " With that, the policeman was on guard, and quickly picked up the pager and prepared to call. Li Shaoyun took out his mouth, and his veins were straight out. He lifted his hand and threw the other party's pager under the bridge.

"You, the police Suddenly, he felt his baton and pointed to Li Shaoyun: "let the girls out quickly. If you want to, don't do it, the consequences will be very serious..."

Li Shaoyun's eyelids jumped for a moment and took out his mobile phone to make a phone call.

The policeman's face was dull, but his baton still pointed at Li Shaoyun.

"Third, contact the patrol team and let the second cargo patrol on Fuqing bridge disappear from my eyes immediately." Li Shaoyun directed at the other end of the phone.

"What's the matter, brother? Someone's in your way? Aren't you good at driving? You should be able to do it? " Old three looks puzzled.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on!" Li Shaoyun Yin Yang strange gas said a, immediately, the phone that end serious: "good, you wait for me to contact, but a layer of down orders should point to time."

As a few brothers, the general character of the military division, the third in the heart risked the effort to contact the criminal police brigade? He has a wide range of pulse, but he really doesn't know a few, so he can only get in touch with him from above.

Li Shaoyun wants to drive away directly, but he can't afford to lose the man.

What's more, if you leave directly, it would be tiresome if the policeman asked a group of people to block him.

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