Jing Yunzhao does not restrain the disdain in her eyes, as if she did not put the person in front of her at all. When the women looked at them, they were angry and approached a little bit.

"Xuemei, you are very resourceful. Do you want to pay less attention to Yu in this way? But isn't it that you don't take us seriously? You will know immediately, what will happen to Yu Shao! " Women have a lot of gas.

"Xu Yu lost the game, so you women are required to vent his anger for him? Is he not weaned? " Jing Yunzhao sneered.

As soon as the women heard this, they were very angry. They didn't say: "your mouth is so cheap. I think you are uneducated!"

Said, several people looked at each other, directly jumped up.

These people don't know martial arts at all. Their ability to hit people is just to reach out and scratch. Jing Yunzhao tugs them hard at the moment when their fingers reach out. They throw people out and sweep their legs again. All of a sudden, the surrounding area is clean.

However, just when everyone thought that Jing Yunzhao was about to cry and howl, they heard a lot of boys hum. After a closer look, everyone was startled.

Jing Yunzhao's movements are just like those of martial arts in TV series. Those men are brave and brave, but they are all kicked to the ground. Even if it is the danger behind him, Jing Yunzhao can completely scruple. His posture is natural, decisive and quite handsome.

However, within a few minutes, more than 20 people, men and women, were lying on the floor in the corridor at the door of the classroom. At this time, one by one covered their arms or their stomachs. They looked at Jing Yunzhao with their noses and bruises, and had no combat effectiveness at all.

After the front is clean, Jing Yunzhao just put away his hands, tidied up his clothes, picked up the bag on the ground, and lifted his feet to wear it through the crowd.

Those who come to look for trouble are to make a way, eyes scared.

If these people were not present at this time, the students in Jing Yunzhao's class would be unable to help but applaud.

There are more than 20 men and women coming together. They even have to surround the corridor. Jing Yunzhao is very good. He has an expression from the beginning to the end. He is fierce and terrifying. All of a sudden, he becomes a martial arts expert!

At this moment, students can not help but think of the scene of military training before.

Because after a few months, they even forgot Jing Yunzhao's original amazing means.

At this time, as soon as Jing Yunzhao left, these people helped each other to leave. The scene was strange.

No one dares to shoot this scene. After all, everyone knows that most of the students who mix up with Xu Yu come from extraordinary backgrounds. Once the scene just passed on, neither Jing Yunzhao nor the people who uploaded it will come to a good end.

Before long, the news that more than 20 people had been beaten by Jing Yunzhao had already reached the dean's ears.

If it was an ordinary student's fight, the Department would deal with it directly. But now it's different. The more than 20 people who were beaten together with the student union directly went to the dean. Jing Yunzhao was said to be full of evil.

"Dean, if my father knew that I was beaten like this in school, he would be angry. Originally, he was going to donate money to strengthen the teaching staff of the school..."

"My life is so big that my parents haven't even touched me. Now I'm beaten by Jing Yunzhao. If Jing Yunzhao still stays in this school, I'll ask my father to come and talk to the dean in person..."


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