Jing Yunzhao walks over and stares at the pottery pigeon on the ground. Her eyes flash with deep meaning.

"Zhou Meijun, have you ever heard of harming others and harming yourself?" Jing Yunzhao turned his back to her and suddenly said something.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Meijun did not understand.

As soon as the words dropped, a sharp pain came from the neck. Suddenly, a heat flow seemed to burst out from the body. The whole person fell directly on the ground, convulsing and blood splashing.

The man didn't know when he came to Zhou Meijun's back. There was something on the rubber glove. You don't have to guess it was fingerprint film. The man gasped violently on his chest, and his body was shaking. But after he moved his hand, he threw the knife on the ground and took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and sprayed it at Jingyun.

Jing Yunzhao has already guessed that Tao Ge is just a bait to cheat Zhou Meijun.

At this time, he quickly hid himself, but the medicine was particularly fierce. The smell was full of air and spread everywhere. Jing Yunzhao closed his breath and breathed, and the whole person withdrew. The man took advantage of this opportunity to pick up another bottle on the ground. Knowing that Jing Yunzhao knew martial arts, he didn't entangle him, so he turned around and ran away.

Jing Yunzhao looked at the man's back, but did not catch up.

On the ground, Zhou Meijun's eyes widened. The blood was still flowing. He was expected to die in a few minutes. Jing Yunzhao sighed and did not take any emergency measures.

Although it is not a wild mountain, it is sparsely populated. At the moment of her throat being cut off, blood almost gushed out. In an instant, she lost too much blood, and her blood pressure was difficult to stop.

After all, Zhou Meijun is too naive.

Frame her to kill Tao pigeon? She didn't think about it. Although she had some friction, it had been several months and there was no communication between them. How could anyone believe that she would do it because of the little things that happened a long time ago?

If you really want to frame her for murder, the best candidate is Zhou Meijun.

Zhou Meijun was isolated from a-da because of her constant hatred. Once one of them had an accident, the other would naturally become a suspicious target.

And when he got off the bus just now, it seemed that the man was going to attack Tao Ge, but actually his eyes were always on Zhou Meijun. If he had not turned his body to the side behind Zhou Meijun, his real goal was naturally Zhou Meijun!

Shen Xi's hand is really complicated.

If it wasn't for the medicine she was using, she wouldn't even notice that it was her handwriting.

But I'm afraid Shen Xi didn't respond to it. At first, she didn't drink the poisonous wine because of coincidence, but because she could smell it.

It's just that after such a large circle, she was wrongly accused of killing Zhou Meijun, so it's impossible to give her a chance to escape with a murder weapon, right? The police should be here soon. What will the man be? Eyewitness.

And Tao pigeon

Jing Yunzhao suddenly sneered.

In terms of her mind, she is not bad. How can she not guess it? Nine times out of ten, Tao Ge was taken advantage of. When she woke up, she saw Zhou Meijun, who was already dead. No matter whether she wanted to or not, she would lie. Nine times out of ten, the lie was that she saw her murder, which became the most important witness.

Sure enough, the man ran away for less than two minutes, and Jing Yunzhao heard the sound of a siren nearby.

Even the police are prepared in advance.

With her head bent down, Jing Yunzhao picked up the fruit knife with her fingerprints on the ground and threw it directly into the space. It was also the same with the pen and empty bottle that had fallen on the ground and proved to be her property.

Feeling that the police are coming, Jing Yunzhao first walks into the empty building next to him. Then he enters the space and disappears into the air.

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