Jing Yunzhao's appearance attracted many people's attention as soon as he appeared. When Xiao Haiqing heard that he had food to eat, he didn't want to take care of the Mu Ru and immediately followed up.

"Yunzhao, you are still the best to me. You send me food so far away By the way, this is... " He pointed to Huo Tianxian beside him.

Huo Tianxian rolled his eyes, but he finally saw her.

For the first time, Miss Huo has been ignored to such an extent for the first time.

"She's my roommate. Her name is Huo Tianxian." Jing Yunzhao introduced it.

Huo Tianxian raised his chin and raised his mouth: "Xiao Haiqing, I know you. Jing'er often mentions it."

When she is in a good mood, the address will change differently.

"Is it?" Xiao Haiqing was stunned for a moment, but quickly said: "thank you for taking care of Yunzhao. I'll have a chance to drink and chat together."

"Good." Huo Tianxian is still in high spirits.

This Xiao Haiqing is really likable. He looks good-looking. His voice is good-looking, but he is not affectable. All his actions and actions have a certain natural and unrestrained feeling. He looks very cheerful.

"What's the situation of that animal husbandry just now? Is it because of her that you have to wait here for the night play In the car, Jing Yunzhao takes out the food and asks.

"She, in fact, has nothing to be angry about. Mu Ru's character is like this. She looks bad and usually has no good attitude, but it's all on the surface. She and I have a lot of opponent's plays, and we usually have more contact with each other. When the time comes, the play will be more smooth." Xiao Haiqing said happily.

"Mu Ru, as I've heard, is not easy to get into the second tier and looks more feminine, so most of the fans are otaku men." Huo Tianxian added.

"What's the matter with your night play?" Jing Yunzhao frowned, not forgetting.

"It's really not mu Ru's reason, and she has to wait as much as I do." Xiao Haiqing smelled the smell of vegetables and continued: "the girl No.1 of this play is very popular. Recently, she has a full schedule. She said that she would have to catch a variety show in the evening, so she had to shoot her play in advance."

Jing Yunzhao looks better.

Ling Lin was sweating in the car, afraid that Jing Yunzhao thought she was abusing Xiao Haiqing.

"By the way, I cook a lot of dishes. Would you like to invite people who are usually good friends to have a try? There are also fairies with gifts Jing Yunzhao said again.

Xiao Haiqing did not refuse.

She knows that Jing Yunzhao is for her good. Besides, many people saw her when they just came. She will ask about it later.

Immediately, the three of them got out of the car with their things. Xiao Haiqing exchanged greetings with many people and sent the food out. In addition, he said that if someone was hungry, they could eat together. However, most of them had good eyesight and didn't join in the excitement at all.

Huo Tianxian bought enough gifts, absolutely can hand a hand, the gift is crystal bracelet, beautifully packaged, regardless of the price, this appearance is very good.

"What's so delicious?" When the three sent their good things back to dinner, there was a noise at the door of the car.

"Director?" Xiao Haiqing was shocked: "you Do you want to eat it together? "

The director is 40-50 years old. He is very capable. He has made good achievements in all his plays. He has a good reputation, but he is also known for his strange temper. Because of Shen Tong, the director is OK with her, but not pleasant. Therefore, Xiao Haiqing's words are just polite.

"It's time to shut down I'll try it, too But the next second, the director said for the first time.

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