When Jing Yunzhao went to Hannan, there were not many people in the class and his attitude was polite. He put his pen on the table.

Seeing Jing Yunzhao come over, Han Nan couldn't help being excited. But when he looked at the pen, he was stunned: "what do you mean?"

"Sorry, the pen was returned to you in the box, but I didn't know why I left it. So..." Jing Yunzhao is slightly apologetic.

It must have been misunderstood if you have left a pen for such a long time?

"You You're going to give it back to me before? " Han Nan doesn't believe it?

At that time, the box was empty. It was Jing Yunzhao who accepted his gift

"I'm sorry, but I haven't used the pen. If you can't return the pen because of my mistake, I can give you the money." Jing Yunzhao said again.

Han Nan was a little flustered: "I thought Jing Yunzhao, would you accept the gift? If I do something bad, I can change it... "

He thought that the reason why she kept the pen and gave the box to him was the token of love. Now that the box was carefully collected by him, he was very happy to think that the pen in the box was in her hand.

"I gave it back to you, but monitor, I hope you don't give me presents next time. I don't like to take other people's things." Jing Yunzhao frowned and said coldly.

With that, he turned around and left. Han Nan immediately grabbed Jing Yunzhao's arm and felt the touch of others. Jing Yunzhao almost immediately took his hand out.

"You Jingyunzhao, I like you, please be my girlfriend Han Nan suddenly said.

His voice is very loud. Although there are not many people in the class, everyone can hear him clearly. After a few seconds of silence, they all start to yell.

In their eyes, Jing Yunzhao and Han Nan are quite well matched. The former is the Xueba in the class and the school flower in the school. The latter is not as good as the class leader, but at least it is also the monitor. It is better to see her and the monitor make a pair than to be picked by others!

"Talented woman, Jing Yunzhao, you can promise! Our monitor is so good, it must be very warm to you! "

"Monitor, you don't mean enough. You want to send flowers..."

"Together! Together... "

Class, noisy head pain, Jing Yunzhao coldly glanced at Han Nan: "sorry, I have a boyfriend."

Jing Yunzhao finished, the class suddenly quiet.

Han Nan's face turned white.

"Who..." Han Nan asked.

"He's not from this school, and I don't think I need to introduce him to you, monitor. Thank you for your kindness, but we can't After that, Jing Yunzhao went back to his position directly. Before sitting down, he pointed at other humanitarians: "I hope you don't make fun of me. My boyfriend is very jealous and will not be happy to know."

As soon as he said this, the class was a little surprised.

They thought that Jing Yunzhao, an isolated creature, would never have a boyfriend at all. Suddenly, they were very curious

Han Nan looks embarrassed and sits down with the pen in his hand, but he doesn't believe what Jing Yunzhao said just now.

I'm afraid it's because she doesn't like herself?

What's wrong with him? Although the results are not comparable to her, but also not bad, appearance is OK, the family is not a rich family, but also rich.

He has a dark look at Jing Yunzhao. There is a glimmer of firmness in his eyes. He won't give up so easily. Every time he thinks of Jing Yunzhao, he feels like he's going to be crazy. If he doesn't get him, he won't be happy all his life.

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