Before Jing Yunzhao didn't think so much about it, but now I remember it when I saw this young face.

Jing fan's clothing, food, housing and transportation as well as tuition fees are provided by her. Of course, she should be responsible for asking questions.

"Xiao Fan, she jumped one level, and finished her sophomore course in senior one." Xiang Jin came out from the kitchen with a plate, and said, "except for you, Mr. Jing, I have never seen a child who is better at learning than her. Every night, she studies in the second half of the night. There are all test questions in the room. I have to say that I can't live up to your help. However, despite her leaping a level, she still ranks among the best among the older children. She said that she must go to a university in the future."

On hearing this, Jing Yunzhao was surprised.

She had good grades before, but she didn't want to skip grades. After all, she was out of tune with the environment. If she joined another senior group, she would be more lonely. Besides, Xiao Haiqing and her classmates were in the class. What's the meaning of her going alone?

"Do you have a good playmate Jing Yunzhao asked.

Like an adult, Xiang Jin and Bai Yu'an even forget that she is a little girl.

This is also the reason why they insist that Jing Yunzhao change her name to "brother and sister" instead of "uncle and aunt". After all, she is too mature and steady, and the latter will make them both look old.

"They They don't want to play with me Jing fan bowed his head.

When she transferred to school, although she changed her hair style, it was not long before someone recognized her as the famous Jing family on the Internet. Although the atmosphere had passed at that time, her difficult friends still separated her from her.

At that time, she was afraid that Jing Yunzhao would regret taking back all of her things one day, so she studied hard and thought that it would be better if she jumped the grade

Jing Yunzhao was silent for a long time.

"Jingfan, the number of times you can start again is not many. You are good at it. Your grades are important. But there is no need to work so hard. The most important thing is to have your own life circle. Even a friend is good." In an instant, Jing Yunzhao said.

She used to struggle, but she also tried to find opportunities to get along with friends. Of course, she had the advantage of space, but Jing fan didn't.

Good grades, of course, are good, but even a friend did not just want to jump, it seems that a bit too much.

Her sense of urgency is like constantly looking for opportunities to live again and again. Once the new life circle is not satisfied, she will continue to escape and continue to change to another one.

"Well, I know I was wrong." Jing fan nods in a hurry.

Jing Yunzhao sighs secretly. She thinks that Jing fan has changed. In fact, her temperament is still the same as before. She is soft and soft, but her appearance strongly supports a kind of self-confidence and beauty.

Seeing Jing Yunzhao's face in a trance, Jing fan pinches her fingers nervously and panics. Jing Yunzhao doesn't want to see her not calm enough. She opens her mouth and says, "don't think too much about it. I want you to have some other life besides your achievements, but you are very hard, which makes me very happy."

On the face of fan, the real meaning of chopsticks appeared.

Four people sit together and begin to eat.

Just did not eat for a while, the door bell rang, Bai Yu'an a little puzzled, he just moved over, is it property?

When he got up and opened the door, his face turned black.

I saw a woman standing outside the door dressed carefully. Behind the woman, there were a group of 50-60-year-old people with fruit in their hands, smiling and sincere. , the fastest update of the webnovel!