Xu Yuancheng felt a headache when he thought of the blind date after he lost his bet.

The target of the blind date was selected by Xu yuanze. The father of the other party was also an official and political family, but the power was not as great as Xu yuanze. The woman was not bad. She had seen Xu Yuancheng once and loved him for many years, so she never got married.

Since it is a blind date, Xu yuanze also hopes to have a good one for this younger brother, so he chose that one.

But he never thought that the woman was so childish.

As soon as he saw Xu Yuancheng, he was a fool's face. Xu Yuancheng was picky. When he looked at his appearance and taste, he lost interest. Xu Yuancheng was a serious man outside. Once he lost his good face, he began to feel aggrieved in his heart. He even said that he had collected a lot of his photos from his bag Zhang Zhang took it out to him. If it wasn't for Xu yuanze's big brother, Xu Yuancheng would like to throw the woman directly from the upstairs.

Is that a blind date? Not like, more like to see a stalker, female pervert.

But the old man didn't know, so when he heard Xu Yuancheng say it's better to find a man. He was angry and said, "if a man can have a baby, I don't mind if you find one."

Jing Yunzhao and Su Chu were suddenly covered with black lines. They wanted to laugh but couldn't come out. Their faces were red.

"Dad, it's not that you don't know my vision. I don't like firewood for women who are too thin, and I'm tired of women who are too fat. If you can make me a woman who is not particularly beautiful but not very ugly, and whose character is not particularly weak but not rude, I can't accept it. Of course, this woman has to have a temper, a bottom line, a backbone, and can't be big My sister-in-law is only an expensive wife when she gets married. Besides laughing or laughing, she can't even cry. If she can get angry with me and listen to the truth In a word, since she is a wife, it must suit my heart. Otherwise, how can I live a lifetime? " Xu Yuancheng slowly guessed to wipe his mouth. He was extremely elegant and spoke slowly.

The old man's heart is also angry, but he is also arrogant, his son is no longer pleasing to the eye, that is his kind, it is really can't find a thing casually.

Just like this Shen Xi, if it was not for the pregnancy, he would not agree.

He didn't ask for family status. He only valued the relationship between eyes and each other's personality. Shen Xi did seem to be filial in recent years. She always took home as the first thing, but she always felt that there was something uncomfortable. She and her eldest son had been married for more than 20 years. So far, let alone him, it was the servant who had worked in the family for 20 years. I'm afraid she has never seen the husband and wife quarrel, or even have seen it She was angry with yuanze.

He is not an old-fashioned, there is no idea that women should be three obedient and four virtuous. On the contrary, he also pays more attention to women with backbone and temperament.

His eldest son is busy with his work. Although he is talented, he is by no means considerate. A normal woman would have some temper to see such a husband, but she did not.

"Well, if there is such a woman, I'm waiting for you to marry? Have been robbed by others for a long time. Are you young and can afford to wait? " Xu yuanze disliked it.

"Big brother, only men in their early 30s are popular. Young boys may not be intimate. Do you think so?" Xu Yuancheng didn't give in at all. He turned his eyes and asked Jing Yunzhao and Su Chu.

"Almost. There are many girls in our class who are controlled by uncle." Su Chu nodded and Tang Zihua agreed.

Xu Yuancheng is thirty-one years old. He is not old enough. He is even charming.

"Besides, big brother, do you think you are satisfied with your life in the past 20 years? To my sister-in-law Are you satisfied? "

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