Fan Liqin took his daughter with him all the way as if he were selling commodities. He kept smiling and introduced his daughter. Fortunately, most of the guests who came in person today brought their sons, nephews and nieces. They were not very embarrassed because they were young.

According to the law, after the banquet, Jing Yunzhao will be introduced to the public by Xu yuanze. However, it is still early. She doesn't even know whether Huo Tianxian and Ren Xingyue have arrived, so after finishing the makeup, she goes out with Xiao Haiqing and Su Chu.

"There are so many people." Su Chu exclaimed and took a glass of fruit wine. After smelling it, he immediately smacked his mouth with exaggeration: "I know the taste, from big brother Bai!"

"Dog nose." Xiao Haiqing said with a smile.

"That's because only big brother Bai's wine is so delicious. My cousin still provides the wine." Su Chu proud smile, a pair of eyes son exhibition if stars.

Jing Yunzhao couldn't help being happy, and said, "I'll take you to meet my two roommates."

"Not three?" Xiao Hai is puzzled.

"There is a person in another province. Her parents and brothers are very strict with her, so she can't come." Jing Yunzhao explained.

Xiao Haiqing nodded. Jing Yunzhao's three friends met one of them. The girl was a young lady with a bright personality. Although she had some pride, she could treat people fairly well.

Su Chu was very curious about everything around Jing Yunzhao. When he heard that he had new friends, he was overjoyed to follow him. He didn't plan to go anywhere else. As for GaN Jinchen and Tang Zihua, the two boys had already mixed up before, and they didn't follow them up from afar.

After searching for a long time in the crowd, Jing Yunzhao discovers the figures of Huo Tianxian and Ren Xingyue.

The outside of the main building is not an open-air scene, so it is very warm. However, Jing Yunzhao and Xiao Haiqing still wear a hairy shawl, which is both beautiful and warm. Huo Tianxian looks cool and almost mops the ground, treading on 10 cm high-heeled shoes, and Jing Yunzhao is in the same color of clothes. The whole person looks very elegant and arrogant.

Su Chu looked at it and couldn't help being surprised.

This man is too Crazy.

As for Ren Xingyue, the dark Department, very simple clothing, no exaggeration, low-key people can not find him.

But in addition, there are two male elders around him, thinking that it should be Huo Tianxian's father and Ren Xingyue's uncle.

Jing Yunzhao immediately went up.

Behind him, fan Liqin glimpses Jing Yunzhao. His eyes are dim. He drags an employee to come over. He asks several people directly, "what are the origins of those girls?"

"They? It's a former friend of our young lady. " The staff said something about it.

"Friend? Former friends? Didn't your young lady have been out there before? " He asked again.

"Yes, I met at that time." The employee nodded immediately.

He let go of his hand and grinned.

I thought the little girl had no skill. She was a country bumpkin from a small place. She embarrassed him with Bai Yu'an before. This time Hum

Since the young lady suddenly emerged from the Xu family, I'm afraid she may not want to remember the bitter days in the past. Besides, when she is so busy, she won't care about them at all. No one will support her when she turns around and makes her ugly. After all, who will waste her breath for a wild girl? , the fastest update of the webnovel!