Being questioned by a girl named Jing Yunzhao, the other side was embarrassed, but after thinking about it, she still said: "we are also for work. I hope you can understand. Moreover, Shen Tong was once a public figure. When he was unconscious, he was taken away from the hospital. It was very dangerous, wasn't it? People just want to know the truth. "

The truth? Jing Yunzhao couldn't help but smile sarcastically.

There are always some people standing on the moral high ground, in order to seek a so-called truth to hurt a person they don't know or even know.

"Want to know the truth? OK, no problem, but it's impossible now, because we have to diagnose patients. Just now you said it's for work, but we are, not only for work, but also for other people's health. When I have cured all the patients here, you can ask anything you want. " Jing Yunzhao was a little angry, but it was not worth it to think about it carefully.

"Are you a doctor?" The woman reporter didn't believe it at all.

"Will you know that in a moment, please step back two steps and stand aside from your position?" Jing Yunzhao looks at her indifferently and sits in his position.

Because of these reporters, there are many patients today. She has to help first.

The crane hall is operated 24 hours a day. However, every night, the apprentice doctor is on duty. If there is an emergency, he will inform the old doctors in the backyard.

And the apprentices of the crane hall are definitely better than the general doctors in other places. Because of the pressure, they have learned a lot. What's more, they almost touch all kinds of medicinal materials since childhood and watch their masters cure and grow up.

Just like yesterday, some old doctors asked her if she would like to take some registered apprentices and teach them.

The children here live a very simple life. They are either the children of the Jing family, or the old doctors' families or relatives, and some of them are poor and talented orphans.

There are some old doctors and old women who can't continue to practice medicine in the backyard. They teach these children to read and read, and recite all kinds of medical books since childhood. If they are not patient enough or have bad conduct, they will not stay, because for the future patients, the doctor's character is particularly important.

At this time, after Jing Yunzhao sat down, the reporter always felt a guilty feeling that he did not dare to blaspheme. After thinking about it, he put his work permit in front of Jing Yunzhao, and said, "my name is Mimi. Remember my name, and you must answer my questions when you turn back."

Finish saying, still choose to retreat to wait.

However, although this reporter named Mimi chose to step back, there were still some other people who had no professional ethics. They had to go forward and ask questions like a patient.

"Are you a doctor? How many years have you read medical books? Can you feel the pulse? What's more, as far as I know, doctors need to be qualified. Do you have any? " A man in front of him held out his hand and kept asking.

Jing Yunzhao pressed on his wrist without a trace, and was not anxious to hook his lips. After a while, he slowly wrote the prescription, and then said, "the bad breath prescription, you can take the medicine to recuperate."

A trace of anger flashed on the other side's face.

And the one named Mimi just now couldn't help laughing.

Peers are enemies, she did not ask, naturally do not want others to succeed.

The male reporter in front of Jing Yunzhao was annoyed when he saw that Jing Yunzhao was indifferent. He looked at a lot of cubicles beside him, but he was ready to rush in without thinking about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!