Jing Yunzhao throws Shen Xi's hand hard, and Shen Xi stumbles, and the whole person falls to the ground.

"Aunt Shen, you've done more than one thing. Do you think I'm afraid?" There is no fear in Jing Yunzhao's eyes.

When dealing with Xu Yu just now, the evidence that can be used to verify the identity has been reversed. After tonight, the truth will be revealed.

Shen Xi got up from the ground, dusted her body and walked out.

Jing Yunzhao must have known

That's why she would be so unscrupulous, so she would say those words

Well, since she can't sit down in Mrs. Xu's position, she just doesn't want to sit down, but Shen Tong doesn't want to sit either!

From childhood to adulthood, Shen Tong has more than she has, everything is better than her. Obviously, she has a similar face, but everyone says that her sister is beautiful. She is like a green leaf, setting off her light. But why? What's wrong with her?

Even the men we met were the same.

She has never been to such a high-end party, but she is just the assistant of Shen Tong. Even though she is wearing the same style of clothes and a dazzling diamond necklace, she is still a little poor. So she tries her best to draw the same thing as Shen Tong and try her best to make her behavior similar to that of Shen Tong. She hopes that someone will think that she is better than Shen Tong Show.

However, at the reception, everyone still only looked at Shen Tong.

Some people stay on her face for a long time, but when Shen Tong appears around her, they will immediately find out that she is a fake, and they start to stare at her with that kind of dislike.

Seeing that kind of vision, she felt as if she had been kept alive and late again and again, and felt extremely miserable.

So she accidentally pushed Shen Tong and spilled wine on her skirt. As long as she stood up, she would be able to show no doubt, so that she could only sit on one side and not compete with her for conspicuous light.

Sure enough, as she expected.

Shen Tong is hidden in an unobtrusive corner, and people's attitude towards her is obviously different.

After a while, she met a man. The man who could appear there was not inferior. They chatted happily. They drank and joked together, and later Went to the room.

But she did not expect, when she lost her virginity, the man suddenly cold face, dislike her is a joke.

It turned out that she was not Shen Tong, but felt that she was pathetic and pathetic, so she teased her to play. She ran out of the room in anger, but saw the ordinary and extreme ornament Shen Tong wore at the door of the opposite room. She bravely pasted beside the door to hear what was going on inside, but she didn't think the door was unlocked.

After entering the door, Shen Tong and other men are also lying on the bed. Both of them are in a coma. There is not much alcohol on Shen Tong's body. He looks more like he has been drugged.

She knew Xu yuanze, a man who had just been promoted. He was very conspicuous. No one didn't know him.

She also knows that Shen Tong is not a random person. There must be an accident. She looks like Shen Tong, and this man sleeps so well. Maybe Can you muddle through?

At that moment, she only remembered that she wanted to be affirmed crazily and needed a man madly. So she put Shen Tong into the cabinet. She was worried that Shen Tong would wake up. After returning to bed, she tried to wake Xu yuanze.

Later she learned that because she woke up Xu yuanze in advance, those who wanted to harm him did not succeed, so Xu yuanze owed her a favor.

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