"Since you want to investigate, I might as well tell you what you know. Our Xu family is rich in wealth. You should also know that my eldest uncle is the eldest son of the Xu family, and it is normal for him to have money. If he is really short of money, he can borrow it from my grandfather or my second uncle. Even I have the ability to provide him with a lot of money Now that any one of the three of us can help him, do we need to take risks? "

At this time, Jing Yunzhao was completely relieved.

This matter is not serious, but it is a routine investigation. Shen Xi's real purpose should be to get Xu Yu out by searching.

The great uncle's influence over the years is not illusory. Some people behind him want to take the opportunity to damage his reputation, but it is impossible to succeed.

What can a jade bracelet invoice prove?

Unless we can find the exact evidence that the uncle collects other people's money and property.

"You? How can you help mayor Xu? " The searcher asked casually, only when the little girl was joking.

"Your official people are so forgetful. A while ago, I saw that in the name of Yunling medicine, I donated 80 million yuan to charity in the name of Yunling medicine. You will copy my uncle's bottom, and you really know how to do things." Jing Yunzhao sneered coldly.

The other party listened to Yunling medicine, his face changed.

Yunling medicine holds the green card in the eyes of the government. If there is no problem of principle, it must not be offended.

Can it be that Yunling medicine's backstage is actually mayor Xu's niece?

The girl does not look like ordinary people. She should be flustered when she sees such a big noise, but the fact is that she is very calm from the beginning to the end, and even can hold down so many of them

Although there are some differences in age, the Xu family has always produced talents.

Xu yuanze had a reputation in his teens, and had made a lot of achievements in his 20s when he became an official.

It's not surprising that Xu Yuancheng has a lot of talent in shopping malls.

Moreover, in fact, they don't believe that Xu yuanze will take bribes. After all, they don't need to have such a rich brother.

This visit is just a routine investigation. As long as there is no substantive evidence, it is impossible to convict Xu yuanze for a jade bracelet. After all, Xu yuanze's family resources are different from others.

These people asked a few questions again and again, this just mentioned Xu Yu again.

However, Jing Yunzhao abides by the statement at the beginning, saying that he does not know where Xu Yu is now.

There was evidence from the servants that Jing Yunzhao had locked her up. But the fact is, after searching the whole Xu family, they didn't see where the big living man could hide. Therefore, no one could do anything about her.

This search, the thunder is not heavy.

Soon it's all over the place.

Shen Xi's face was a little desperate. She had been good. As long as she took this opportunity, she could get Xu Yu out. Not only that, even if Xu yuanze could not be determined to accept bribes, people could definitely know that he was a cruel man. At that time, no matter what she said in front of the media or friends, it would be very reasonable, but now there is no one!

It's a surprise attack. Jing Yunzhao has no time to hide people!

"Jing Yunzhao, this is not over. Yu'er is missing. I will send someone to search for it. Wait. If something happens to yu'er, I want you to pay for it." Shen Xi's whole body was trembling, only felt that the future was dim.

If chess is one move short, it is one move short!

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