Han Nan stands on the opposite side, looking very handsome, but hearing his words, Jing Yunzhao is a little puzzled.

Brother? Li Shaoyun? When we met before, Li Shaoyun clearly said it was her fiance. How could Han Nan Don't you believe it?

"He's my boyfriend. It's normal to send me to school." Jing Yunzhao frowned slightly and walked around him. However, she just walked past. Hearing the sound of "Dong" coming from behind, Jing Yunzhao turned to see that Han Nan knelt down on one knee and took out a small red box in her hand.

Jing Yunzhao's face suddenly changed, and his body went to one side and became angry.

Why doesn't this person make sense?

So obvious rejection? And he came back?

Early in the morning, everyone saw that someone knelt down to make love, and instantly gathered around to make a fuss. However, seeing that the heroine was Jing Yunzhao, they were more excited.

"Yunzhao, I was too hasty to express what I meant before, and it's normal that you can't accept it. On the last holiday day, my parents saw you in the car. They really like you and support me, and they specially asked me to buy you a ring This ring is not very complicated and expensive, but it represents my heart. If you want to, be my girlfriend. I promise I will always be good to you. After graduation, I will try to make money and make you live a happy life Han Nan stretched out his hand and looked at Jing Yunzhao earnestly.

Jing Yunzhao hates the feeling of being seen as a monkey.

What's more, the so-called courtship should be meaningful only when the person loves.

"As I said, I have a boyfriend." Jing Yunzhao wants to go at this time, but the surrounding area is surrounded by people, and there is no way to turn around.

"That man is so old that you can't look up to him. I think he should be your brother or uncle, right? Yunzhao, don't cheat me... " Han Nan is a little aggrieved. He just feels that he has paid too much indifference.

He is also good enough, many girls like her, but Jing Yunzhao has been dismissive of him.

At this time, Han Nan said that the person Jing Yunzhao liked was old, and everyone's expression was a little strange.

Now everyone knows that Jing Yunzhao is mayor Xu's niece. Is it hard for mayor Xu to force her to marry? It's said that those big families like to do this kind of thing

As soon as he heard that Han Nan disliked Li Shaoyun's age, Jing Yunzhao's eyes sank: "Han Nan, I don't like to hear anyone say that he's not. I don't like you. I even hate you at this moment. Please see the facts and don't disturb me again!"

Her man, he did not dislike, turn others gossip?

What's more, Li Shaoyun is only nine years older than her, which can't be regarded as excessive. Moreover, she has lived a whole life again. In this way, they are just about the same age!

"I don't believe it. Do you think I'm not worthy of you? Yunzhao, I've worked hard. With my ability now, I'm sure I can have a good job in three years, and then I can struggle... " Han Nan is still clinging.

Jing Yunzhao suddenly had a feeling of casting pearls before swine.

"It's your business that you like, and your struggle has nothing to do with me, because in my eyes, you can't even compare a finger of the person I like. It's useless to say more." Jing Yunzhao finished and raised his feet to leave. A group of people in front of him refused to let him go. Suddenly, he gave them a cold look, which made them startled. Then he reacted quickly.

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